Oct 28, 2006 02:56
I get some things done eventually when I set out to do them. (King of all procrastination that I am)
Got the camera. (Huge step) Found a compatible tripod. fun to play with. Turn on the camera and take in the view.
Next I'll spray paint three sides of a box white. You know make a stage for photographing objects.
Soon I'll be turning the residue accumulated over the years (thanks to having inherited that insidious 'Pack Rat Gene')
I need to study the camera and get used to the Ebay process. I'm hoping to get the mail rolling as that's another procrastination opportunity.
I cannot imagine a rummage sale being appropriate for my eclectic collections.I cannot deal with the concept any way. The idea makes me wretch.
Arrays of oddball items and antiques to boggle the mind all to be liquidated in a long seizure of '"housecleaning".
And it's Alright!
Amazing how nice it is to work in the middle of the night when no one is around. Things just flow without interruptions. Too bad I'm used to sleeping now.