Dangerous Moonlight

Sep 10, 2006 04:20

Sometimes insomnia isn't so bad. I can walk about the yard and enjoy the night blooming flowers. The coyote digging in my compost heap looked up at me as if I was disturbing a gourmet at a five diamond restaurant I could smell her and realized she was on heat. No wonder she was "fearless". The neighbor lost their toy poodle to a coyote the other day. Took it right off the front porch and ate it on the run leaving very few scraps.
I wish there were more skunks around. When the coyotes moved in the red fox and grey fox were displaced and the skunks were soon gone too..
Urban success story.

Red fox were argumentably an introduced species but the grey fox was living happily in it's niche more closely related to raccoons than canids.
What allowed the big changes was the original loss of top predators. No big cats around for at least 50 years and no wolves since about 1906. Even bobcats are so rare here that their presence is questionable.

Modern farming eliminates traditional fence rows (prime wildlife habitat). Growing up I'd hunt the fence rows with my dog. Long before I had a firearm I used a 35lb bow and regularly took birds and rabbits with blunts. I prefer wild game to farm raised meat. I find so much production raised meat smells bad and doesn't have the flavor of old fashioned farm raised meat. I find myself eating fish I catch myself and wish I had more time to procure meat through hunting.

I have an Idea that those who cannot kill, butcher and prepare their ow meat don't deserve to eat it.
Even as clean as our hands stay we have the audacity to tell others what to eat. I've had too many horses who were my friend to have any desire to eat one. Yet there is the fact of overpoulation. I would prefer slaughterhouses did as humane a kill as possible for every animal processed. Yes, I've seen the horrible PETA films.

If we cannot eliminat e CAFOs I think we should make sure every life taken is as clean of  a kill as possible. Chops for 98 cents/lb  cost too much if a CAFO is the price.  We kill Arnold Ziffle and worry about Mr. Ed. We might as well put the long pig on the menu.

We aren't going to all eat spirulina overnight. We should set standards and study ethnic desire as well It's as much a shame what we throw out as wat we eat. Soylent Green is not yet on the menu
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