New computer = broken knuckles

Aug 19, 2006 21:38

Greetings from the 7th layer of hell!
I've given into peer pressure and signed up with live journal. I gotta new puter with most of the trimmings for the anniversary of my spawning. It even came with a remote control which is rather useless and just a flashy gadget to catch the attention of the easily impressed. AND I STILL CAN'T FUCKING PLAY CIV4! It does the same damn thing that it did on the laptop where you can see the HUD and units, but theres no terrain and the leader heads are just a pair of floating eyes and a set of teeth. Alright so technically i can still play it, i just have units floating in a void being commanded by a ghost zombie. I'm getting a new graphics card the second i could be bothered.
The most important thing is that i can look at porn on it, i guess that's all that really matters.

For some reason i kept expecting dr who to turn into a musical tonight. There was something very chorus line about the cybermen marching about like the plastic cowboys in that Primus clip for Big Brown Beaver.
"Oh we're men, we're Cybermen. And we've come to take over number 10."

Last week i stayed at Grunges in Dandenong, and strangely enough i'm still alive and in possession of my wallet. It was far more entertaining to watch the constant stream of dodgy-dandy-dope-rats going through than anything reality tv has concocted. Of course, after the incident with the ugly, drunk, beltless, redneck a few flats down, i've reaffirmed my commitment to the voluntary human extinction movement. To be fair though, not all G's neighbours should be expunged from the multiverse. I find Trev fascinating, and not just from the viewpoint of a student of psychology and philosophy.

One thing i think i've probably said as often as 'I'm gonna quit drinking' is probably 'I think I better go to the doctor'. Although i never went for the psychosis's or the random stabs of pain in my head that almost knocked me out, finding a lump somewhere there shouldn't be one is a little different. It'll be wierd having someone stick their hand down my pants while sober and not on a crowded dance floor, and be only one person :)
Oh well, if worst comes to worst, at least i wasn't planning on breeding. And maybe they'll give me medicinal marijuana! Yeah, and maybe they'll declare me Queen of Eternia.

Yeah I'm bored with this now. Bring on the porn!
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