Summary of New BCL Functionality in .NET 4 Beta 2
- Stream.CopyTo
- Complex Number
- Location
- IObservable
- Guid.TryParse, Version.TryParse, and Enum.TryParse
- Enum.HasFlag
- String.Concat and String.Join overloads that take IEnumerable
- String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace
- Environment.SpecialFolder additions
- Environment.Is64BitProcess and Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem
- Path.Combine params support
- TimeSpan Globalized Formatting and Parsing
- Stopwatch.Restart
- StringBuilder.Clear
- IntPtr and UIntPtr Addition and Subtraction operators
- ServiceProcessInstaller.DelayedAutoStart
- ObservableCollection moved to System.dll
We’ve added a new CopyTo method to Stream that allows you to simply write:
Stream source = ...;
Stream destination = ...;
Вот чего бы мне хотелось так это возможность объединять стримы в pipeline.
BCL blog