Solar Power . . .

Apr 06, 2023 08:10

It’s all done. We passed our last inspection yesterday, and I personally flipped the switch to turn our solar panels on. Actually, I had to flip that switch, because the inspector for the energy company told me that he is not allowed to do that. It actually felt really good to do that very minor task.

It was 1230 hrs (12:30 pm) when the install was complete - and by 6pm (1800 hrs) we’d already generated 35 KwH (kilowatt hours) of electricity from the panels we have. Considering how early this is in the summer season, we’re expecting to do very well at replacing our daily usage with alternative energy.

I think this will be a very good year.

When I called our home owner’s insurance company to upgrade our policy, I got a few pieces of very good news.

First: Our solar panels are fully insured.

Second: Because of other improvements we’ve made to our home since we bought it nearly 13 years ago, our home’s value has more than doubled.

Third: Our home owner’s insurance actually went DOWN when I reported the condition of our home to the insurance company. Not by much - just $9.00/m0nth - but when weighed against the fact that the value of our home more than doubled, I was extremely surprised.

When we bought this home, we paid $77,000 USD for it, and almost $8,000 was just for replacing the roof, which wasn’t part of the purchase price, but was factored into the loan so we could buy the house.

So, imagine my huge surprise when I found out from the insurance company that our home is NOW valued at $154,000 USD, nearly 13 years after we bought it. I think we’re doing something right.

IMHO - the only thing that could go wrong for us - and it would affect about 80% of all US home owners because of their mortgages - would be for POTUS Biden to be allowed to succeed in his scheme to force the whole country into socialist medical care. A 52% income tax would devastate the middle income home owners across the country, because most are living paycheck to paycheck, and POTUS Biden’s plan would nearly DOUBLE the federal income taxes that each family owes. Nobody living that way can afford that sort of increase.

Honestly, IMHO, the only reason Joe Biden got the nod for the Democrat party was because he was running against Hilary Clinton. Joe Biden has never held a job outside of Washington, DC, government since the Carter administration. Every time there has been a Republican incumbent, or a 2nd Term Democrat POTUS who couldn’t run again, Joe Biden tried to get the Democratic Party to back him for POTUS. In 50 years, he NEVER got that support, until he ran against Hilary. He’s always been seen as far to extreme, even for the Democrats. He does NOT deserve to be president, and even the Democrats are asking him to stand down in the next election. If he’s smart, he’ll do it, because there are several contenders more likely to succeed than he will be.

government, solar energy, taxes, life, solar power, home repairs

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