Trying an experiment . . . .

Sep 27, 2012 09:11

No one who has looked very closely at US politics would be able to honestly say that there's nothing wrong with it.  Whether you consider the problem(s) to be lobbyists, entitlement programs, deficits, the conservatives, or the liberals (or something else) - the fact remains that our government is hugely fractured and a top-heavy behemoth that is out-of-control.

I recently saw an article on Yahoo news that quoted a survey of likely US voters which came to the conclusion that 37% of those polled expect our politicians to lie to us.  Now, I fully realize that some would say I'm splitting hairs, but it seems to me that there is a difference between acknowledging that some politicians lie and expecting them to lie.  I don't care for what it says of our nation that we're heading quickly towards the latter - and accepting it.

So, I've decided to conduct a metaphysics (or soul, energy, spirit, etc.) experiment.  I'm going to invest 10 minutes per day directing energy at American Politics, specifically Washington, DC, with the aim of healing the political game & creating an environment where honesty, integrity, and humility are rewarded while crooked dirty-dealing is unable to survive.  If you feel inclined to join my experiment, the particulars are below.

This experiment is adapted from the Soul Power series of books by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha - specifically taken from the book Divine Soul Mind Body Healing and Transmission System.

Find a quiet place to sit where you won't be disturbed while doing the exercise.  Then, either silently or softly aloud, say:

Dear soul of the sun, I love you.
American politics is full of dishonorable people.
Could you give American Politics a healing now?
Thank you very much.

You need only say that part at the beginning of each session.  After you have said it once, continue with this:

Soul of the sun heals American Politics.
Soul of the sun brings Honesty and Integrity to American Politics
I am grateful.
Thank you.

Repeat that over and over for at least 3 minutes - if you can spare 10 or 30, please do if you feel led to join me in this experiment.

government, metaphysics, spirituality, politics

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