Jul 07, 2005 03:04
Well im terribly bored so ima postin dawgs. Camerons the other night was a bunch of fun despite the fact i didnt get very drunk :( It was quite odd though. So many people made out which is normal but it was that straight people were makin out with others of the same sex... multiple times, that struck me as odd :P.
Went to Gavs Tuesday night for a rockin evening of playin halo 2... if thats what ya wanna call gettin fuckin owned, drinkin abosolutely horrible VB (sounds strange to many as many dont enjoy beer whatsoever but VB is usually good :P), laying waste to a certain golf course in which many holes were filled with piss, much packaged sand was thrown around and a recycling bin was thrown into the river. We then encountered police on the way home but were lucky enough to be practically at gavs house when they drove by... kinda scary as this was right after the destruction of the golf course "ahem". I then left with paul and dave at 6 in the mornin :), got home and instead of doin the smart thing and goin to sleep i decided to stay up and play world of warcraft... if ya know me well this will most likely make you laugh... if ya dont then you'll just shake ya head.
Hope youre all having a rockin holidays and if ya not then go down to the bottle-o, buy as much booze as youre cash supply allows, drink yaself off the face of the earth, recover. By this time you should have forgotten all about your very boring holidays... if ya havent see ya publican for advice.