Apr 06, 2010 08:28
right, when I moved down here there was that whole "solar motorcycle" fixation...
I supressed alot of the ideas, but at this point, it looks like the electric bike's catching on...
so here's the one comment...
transmissions are designed to reduce load on the engine (change gear ratio, change the speed the engine has to work at)
so, why not combine that with battery management on an electric...
so, in accellorating gears, all the batteries are in use...
but in cruizing gears, it drops off to only using the minimal batteries needed (thus longer run-time on a freeway setting)
batteries, for the most part, discharge at a fairly constant rate,
but if you remove a battery from the circut, it no longer is discharging...
why run 5 batteries at full draw,
when you could gear up and remove the drain from half or more of the bank?
granted, at some point, mid-cruise you'd have to go into neutral for a few seconds to switch sub-banks, but, darn... to double the range of the vehicle it seems like a solid trade off...
genious idea,