more on MK 2

Apr 07, 2009 15:36

if you play Warmachine, sign up for the field test and grab it.

it's... different..

the way 4th edition 40k was different from 2nd edition (or mordheim)

no longer is is "147 special rules for 12 new models"

it's clean, organized, and Magic: The Gathering.

This is an Anaba Shaman, it has "Tap to deal 2 Fire Damage"
this is a Rootwater Thumper, it has "Tap to deal 2 Lightning Damage"

I feared warmachine might become vanilla across field,
but it hasn't.
the "netdeck" lists have been castrated
now you really have to use tactics, not synergies, to win the game.



no, really.


it's cygnar's world now baby.

quit 'cher bitchin,
sit down
shut up,
and take it like a man.

oh, and Boomhowler and Celena work for trolls, which is my greatest hopes come true for MK 2.

warmachine, minis, minatures

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