May 18, 2004 00:28
So, I figure it's time to give an update for this poor, lonely journal. The last week of school was pretty busy. My finals went well and I'm pleased with my grades for this semester. I'm totally psyched b/c I got an A on my huge paper and an A for CC for the semester. That's way huge. Otherwise, things went well for the last week. I got my room all packed up and a ton of my stuff is sitting at Pop's for the summer. Saying good-byes were no fun. The freshmob had a great time sunday night. We all went to candlelight together, then to the union, then to Dan's room to watched the premiere of the 9 minute Pope Undercover trailer. I stayed on campus till almost 5am saying my good-byes, then slept all day in the car on the most boring drive home.
I was really happy to find a job scoopign ice cream at a local ice cream place called Hilltop Drive-in. It's only 10min away and my boss is really flexible about my night class at ESU and going to London. I'm not too happy with the people that I work with. I really don't have anything in common with them. Today we were really slow for the first 2.5hrs I was there and all they talked about were sex, smoking, drinking, getting their nails done and going tanning. Most of them go to school locally, some of them don't go to school, and certainly none of them go to a small, lutheran, liberal arts school. I don't mind the actual work, but it's uncomfortable when there's a lull and everyone is talkign wtih each other. I just don't fit in with them. Oh well, at least I'm getting paid.
I've been to two concerts since coming home--the extra-curricular concert adn Mrs. Taylor's 9th grade chorus concert. Both were good and it's fun to see ppl again. I hope to get to the Pops concert wednesday night as well.
Well, that's about all of interest that's been going on with me. Anyone interested in knowing more of my boring life can request more info by posting a question. I'm off to bed now. Night night.