Aug 04, 2005 21:51
Last night I had a frustration dream, where I was at some big bowling event, but couldn't find a ball with the right size finger holes (I normally bowl with an "extra-large"). Those that I could find in the right size had the holes in an unusable pattern, like all in a straight line. I spent the entire event picking through the selection, rejecting ones with tiny finger holes or weird hole patterns ("who has hands shaped like this? why would you do that?"), and occasionally looking over my shoulder and fretting that I was missing the whole event. It was a very frustrating experience, and I felt worn out when I woke up.
Then, when I went to the Thursday league bowling during lunch at work today, I immediately found a 12lb. extra-large ball, and proceeded to kick our opponents' asses. After finding the right ball, everything else seemed easy by comparison.