May 17, 2012 22:22
Played an excellent show last Friday at Burts with Mexican Violence and Duke City Bombers! I really like playing there! A lot of people came out, even the people that mave been meanign to check us out, we got a lot of good feedback! Plus my old friend Josh, who lives in San Antonio even showed up! great night! We have two shows coming up in June at The Launchpad, one on the 21st with The Hammercocks from Dallas and one of my local faves, Beefcake In Chains. The other one is on the 25th with The Bad Engrish from Denver and locals InTOXICated, Doomed To Exist and Duke City Bombers. We seem to have gotten through our earlier obstacles and back on track!
There's quite a number of big shows coming up around town. Our friends in Santa Fe, The Elected Officials are breaking up, Jay and Sophie are moving to Austin. They're having a big going away party on the 26th, so me and Howee are gonna go up there for it. The Elected Officials are gonna play their last show at it. Bummer that they're leaving since they were pretty much the glue keeping the Santa Fe scene together, plus we got to play a number of fun and memorable shows with them. It's sad, but I wish them the best.
Things with Ashley are still going well. Im getting stressed about money now since my UI benefits are about to run out and I've heard little from the agency since I signed back up with them. I have a couple shifts at The Launchpad next week so that will help. Anyway, Im tired, Im gonna go read my book and probably pass out, so till next time!