Dec 13, 2004 18:57
so yeah.. last week wasnt too bad, physcis test on friday was pretty good!!
i have actually managed to get on with some technology coursework. i couldnt get into it at all b4, but now im making very slow (but steady) progress! i just need to xmas holidays to catch up (whiuch are only 4 days away thankfully!)
so yeah le weekend!
friday night xmas dinner, the meal was crappy (portion wise) , teh waitresses were rude, ther wasnt enuf wine.... but the company was good, and it was a good laugh!! the speeches were also very entertainig... after that we rushed to teh compasses where dom and pippa went to teh bar - suprisingly they got Id'd (i think boht of them lok old? and they never id in there?) but the both had it (wel, doms driving licsense proves hes 17, but they were too thck to read it right!) so after the drinksw e left to the swan.
harry drove us and it was quite a scary experience - when he drove me on weds he was good, but on fri he was trying to rag it.. and clearly hasnt learnt the lessons of "rules of ragging it safely" which you only learn from near misses...... or at least what u hope will be near misses!!!!!
swan was kool, went to emmas after, then harry got coxed into picking up some girls we know in st albans and takign them to a party - which when we got the adress was not actually happening at all!!!! then while we were outside the police pulled up .... checked harrys numberplate and questioned why there were 4 ppl int eh back!! we said " oh they are outr friends and we were meeting them here and let them sit int eh car cos its cold outside" lol... after chatitgng iwht hte policem woman they took our excuses and left!!! it was dodgy cos there were 4 beers int eh back, and everyone int eh car had been drinking (harry was under the limit)
saturday i worked, wasnt too bad. called 5 ppl on their mobiles with the work phone lol!! my deputy manager said he didnt mind but if head office caught me out i woudl be charged for the phone calls! o well....
sat nitei went to doms house with kim (doms gf) and fi , we got a film out, was kl. afterwards i took dom to the petrol station to get cigarettes and did 60 mph throught eh town centre ! :) (it was like 1am)
sunday i did a bit of hwk and that , was boring, then went down to southampton to see my sisters concert thing (she is assistant music director of a thing at her uni) which was actualy really good! i enjoyed it.
ok if u have got this far ur doing wel!!!! now breathe b4 u continue.... thats it let the oxygen get to ur brain...
deep breath!!!
ok read...
today was ok, funny stuff happend in physics lol. had a hectic morning trying to do maths hwk, but managed it witht eh help of sarah and malcolm, and justttt got a chinese with 5 misnt o spare at the end of lunch.... finished eating it as i walked into the maths room!
wel i had hurt my left elbow last week - i keep doing them in weightlifting, cos im putting too much strian on themand i dont gernally have great ligaments and joints.. and my left 1q had been hurtin at the weekdn due to weightliftin/pull ups/boxing , dont know which. anyhow it was caning in maths, and when driving to the chinese... and when i tried to do rugby it was just killing!! i coudlnt put any weight or force on my left arm.. even bending it was hurting , and afte r40 mins i had to stop - tackling ppl with 1 arm isnt very effective either!!
so yeh driving home iwth 1 good arm was not easy (i dont have power steering!) but i got home and then went ot eh doctors, apprently i have inflamed ligaments and i have to let it rest - there is fluid buildup, and i now have painkillers and elbow supports fromt eh doc. not good!!! at least i can rest it up over xmas. i also got a nice graze on my right arm! and bleeding knuckles... oht eh joys of sport!!!
im pissed off tho, cos i dont want my left arm to waste away whiel its healing!!!! and i want to box this week and now i cant.
anyhoos thats about it atm. there is somethign that maybbbeeee coming together soon.. which woudl be soooo cool (not girl realted unfortunately - but car related!) but ill let u know about that if it pulls off.
love u all loads