Oct 14, 2004 08:11
wel bens surprsie party last night was really nice! various drunmk ppl provided quality entertainment (no names mentioned!)
had a bit of a fiasco on my way home- i was caning it down the m1 (no traffic) which was all fine (hopefully), nasd then when i came off onto the a405, i went to oertake some slow van thing, so i changed down from 4th to 3rd to get a boost, and the revs picked up but the car slowed down.. i was like "wtf!!!"
then through chiswell green my car almost died - the engine was running but it just woudlnt accelerate liek at all , i was lik eoh shit my engine is fooked! so i get it home and parked. then this morning (hence the early entry) i got up to fix it (lol yes i know im madand thatr most ppl woudl send it to a garage) anyway i fixed the problem witht eh arb that was making it judder in the cold mornings , and for some reaosn the problem i ahd last ngith has vanished?!!!? hmmm...
i think that the air filter froze up, cos it was super damp and there was liek thick mist over teh road. also when ig ot hoem there were icicles ont he windows, but who knows. as long as it works now, i dont care! lol tocuh wood.
hope every1 has a nice day off 2day!