Hello, I'm Terrence. This is my first post in a couple of years. I think. Unfortunately, the long journal-writing hiatus I took means that people stopped caring about my livejournal (am I being presumptuous assuming that people cared in the first place?). Anyway, I guess I figured I would write more in my livejournal so I could look back on my entries a couple of weeks, months, or maybe years down the road and wonder if that really was me, or what the hell I was thinking at the time. This will be a relatively short post because I don't want to overwhelm the nonexistent subscribers of my livejournal--I feel I should rebuild the rapport that I felt I lost with the readers--even if that reader is just you. You know who you are. I think this is a good place to stop writing.
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A very creative stop-motion music video that has recently garnered some worthy attention.