1) Capitalism is shit. Any society needs an economy for stability, but to make money the greatest focus of a people-replacing tradition, culture and heritage as the glue that holds society together-is just bad leadership. American capitalism kills the spirit: the rich get richer, disassociating their actual personality from anything not involving the almighty dollar and becoming greed machines, while the bourgeois, petite bourgeoisie, and proletariats dream of becoming like them, essentially selling their soul for an illusion (they’ll never be that rich).
Communism has bowed to passivity; its members are for the most part just adding style to their personalities in order to appear iconoclastic and subversive. It’s like the soft, middle-class, Oprah Green movement: you buy a hybrid or ride a bike, eat organic foods, turn the lights off when you leave a room, vote for Al Gore, etc. but your ecological footprint has only been reduced by a fraction; it still compares to the average American consumer; you’re still living an environmentally destructive lifestyle. Granola and a buss pass aren’t going to change anything.
Another problem with communism is it presumes a proletarian government will work. Democracy, I think, is an indication: the masses don’t know what’s good for them. Pentti Linkola: "Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. There cannot be so incompetent dictator, that he would show more stupidity than a majority of the people. Best dictatorship would be one where lots of heads would roll and government would prevent any economical growth." 2) Hip-hop is by-and-large a sickness that deludes and distorts culture. The worst part of it is its inherently racial divisiveness. It showcases blacks as a useful tool for entertainment and diminishes black culture too dollars, sexual promiscuity, crime and violence. I remember seeing an add on TV when I was visiting family a while back where a black hip-hop “artist” had a gun pulled on him and relished the moment saying “if you kill me I’m Tupac; if I live I’m 50-Cent!” What a legacy! No wonder folks like Bill Cosby would do away with it completely if they could: it’s a blight to the Afro-American people. Blacks would do better to read and follow the works of Malcolm-X-especially his post-Nation of Islam stuff.
3) As shown above, DeLay says it’s needed-to fill “jobs.” Is not the United States House of Representatives an office healed by democratically elected officials?
Whaaaa? Maybe NORTH AMERICAN communists are yuppie scum but you see a lot of activity in Central and South America. Spain I think now is under a socialist leader... Anyway, yeah, like I said, I agree with everything you said.
Oh yeah, and Sugar Land is a suburb of Houston. So, yes, I'm from what used to be DeLay's district. At any rate, I'm not understanding what you are saying. You said Democratic leaders are saying that illegal immigrants are need to fill jobs. My question was, which Dems are advocating that? Also, DeLay's quote in the comic strip does not say illegal immigration is needed. So I'm at a loss at what you meant by statement #3.
By "democratic leaders" I meant leaders of democracies, not the Democratic Party.
DeLay posed an if/then statement: IF America was pro-life THEN we wouldn't need illegal aliens as cheap bodies to fill the job void. This implies that because pro-life isn’t a national reality that we NEED illegal aliens now. (It also implies that there is a job void, which isn’t so because there are plenty of unemployed folks in America-some of them illegal aliens, making his statement a bit ironic.)
I don't think DeLame was advocating illegal immigration. That cartoon is talking about pro-life. He's a big time Evangelical and major anti-immigration and for the work program.There is a website that gives how these guys vote. I forgot which. Anyway, he's typical of the average nouveau riche or wannabe Houstonian, making money through the oil or service businesses. In the 'burbs out here there aren't many who are highly educated and those are his constituents. Downtown Houston is where the highly educated go, so that part of Houston usually has Dem mayors. Anyway, ughhh..my dad's been following this asshole for years before he was involved with U.S Reps. Another local douche-bag is Congressman Ted Poe. UGHH. A lot of these guys are notoriously racist. We do have a few Republicans that are okay from our state. But mostly everyone is oil hungry and has ties or investments in the industry. Really sad.
My take on illegal immigration??? Honestly...I see a point to the restrictions on our borders...but Canada is a major entry point and I don't read a whole lot about that. Uhm...you know, whether we like it or not, we're all immigrants or our ancestors were. If you read my journal back before I deleted everything it talked about my genealogy and how I'm 11th generation Tejana. Anyway, I can't help but feel compassion for people coming here. Most of my history classes have been on Latin America so I have an extensive amount of knowledge on the background of the people coming over here. A lot of the economic problems that these countries have, unfortunately, been propagated by us. I can't get into it on here because Latin America covers many countries and many stories. Alas, they are breaking the law, some come over here and break other laws, which we punish them greatly for. No matter how much punishment they receive for crimes that are actually misdemeanors sentences are harsher since they are breaking federal laws by entering illegally. At any rate, they'll keep coming back. And no stupid ass fucking wall is going to stop it.
Even if abortion was illegalized, I suspect DeLay would find another reason why we need illegal immigrants. It’s just too convenient for the rich and corrupt. People pouring into the country who are willing to work the dispensable lowest wage jobs because they’re twice as good as the average job back home? What a bargain for America!
People come up with weak ideas that are sensationally supported (the Wall, militarization of the border) and thus quickly rejected. The influence of culture, apparently, as far as preventing illegal immigration is concerned, hasn’t been thought of yet. I don’t take the politicians as fools-they know what they’re doing; they support illegal immigration because aliens are easily exploitable and good for fattening accounts, but they also want the common American public to have the illusion that they support the traditional American community: an English speaking, law abiding, and predominately white healthy middle-class.
It’s a sham and a loosing one because it runs counter to the supporting infrastructure.
Canada: do you know the statistics for illegal immigration from our northern neighbors?
About “We’re all immigrants”: this argument basically asserts the geo-centric attitude that because we all moved from one place to another, we all have a right to any land. However there’s a difference between moving to an already established community and taking advantage of its systems, and building the initial infrastructure of a community. An established community has the right to deny outsiders entry as much as you have the right to deny entry into your house. If it’s the house of your ancestors, or even, as stands in most cases today, made possible by the infrastructure built by your ancestors, you have the same right.
“America” is more than the borders of 50 states. It’s more than a geographical location. It’s a living entity that adapts and changes, gets sick and gets well, evolves to better suit its environment, like all nations. Things will NOT just stay the same. I think that’s what most people don’t really get-don’t really let sink in. It’s the people, not the laws, not the economy, not the education that makes the nation. If the people change, the laws, the economy, the culture change with it. Where will the current illegal immigrant types go when the US is just like Mexico? In the long-term they’re working toward their own disadvantage. But then, capitalism is always nearsighted.
Communism has bowed to passivity; its members are for the most part just adding style to their personalities in order to appear iconoclastic and subversive. It’s like the soft, middle-class, Oprah Green movement: you buy a hybrid or ride a bike, eat organic foods, turn the lights off when you leave a room, vote for Al Gore, etc. but your ecological footprint has only been reduced by a fraction; it still compares to the average American consumer; you’re still living an environmentally destructive lifestyle. Granola and a buss pass aren’t going to change anything.
Another problem with communism is it presumes a proletarian government will work. Democracy, I think, is an indication: the masses don’t know what’s good for them. Pentti Linkola: "Any dictatorship would be better than modern democracy. There cannot be so incompetent dictator, that he would show more stupidity than a majority of the people. Best dictatorship would be one where lots of heads would roll and government would prevent any economical growth."
2) Hip-hop is by-and-large a sickness that deludes and distorts culture. The worst part of it is its inherently racial divisiveness. It showcases blacks as a useful tool for entertainment and diminishes black culture too dollars, sexual promiscuity, crime and violence. I remember seeing an add on TV when I was visiting family a while back where a black hip-hop “artist” had a gun pulled on him and relished the moment saying “if you kill me I’m Tupac; if I live I’m 50-Cent!” What a legacy! No wonder folks like Bill Cosby would do away with it completely if they could: it’s a blight to the Afro-American people. Blacks would do better to read and follow the works of Malcolm-X-especially his post-Nation of Islam stuff.
3) As shown above, DeLay says it’s needed-to fill “jobs.” Is not the United States House of Representatives an office healed by democratically elected officials?
You’re from a place called Sugar Land?
Oh yeah, and Sugar Land is a suburb of Houston. So, yes, I'm from what used to be DeLay's district. At any rate, I'm not understanding what you are saying. You said Democratic leaders are saying that illegal immigrants are need to fill jobs. My question was, which Dems are advocating that? Also, DeLay's quote in the comic strip does not say illegal immigration is needed. So I'm at a loss at what you meant by statement #3.
DeLay posed an if/then statement: IF America was pro-life THEN we wouldn't need illegal aliens as cheap bodies to fill the job void. This implies that because pro-life isn’t a national reality that we NEED illegal aliens now. (It also implies that there is a job void, which isn’t so because there are plenty of unemployed folks in America-some of them illegal aliens, making his statement a bit ironic.)
My take on illegal immigration??? Honestly...I see a point to the restrictions on our borders...but Canada is a major entry point and I don't read a whole lot about that. Uhm...you know, whether we like it or not, we're all immigrants or our ancestors were. If you read my journal back before I deleted everything it talked about my genealogy and how I'm 11th generation Tejana. Anyway, I can't help but feel compassion for people coming here. Most of my history classes have been on Latin America so I have an extensive amount of knowledge on the background of the people coming over here. A lot of the economic problems that these countries have, unfortunately, been propagated by us. I can't get into it on here because Latin America covers many countries and many stories. Alas, they are breaking the law, some come over here and break other laws, which we punish them greatly for. No matter how much punishment they receive for crimes that are actually misdemeanors sentences are harsher since they are breaking federal laws by entering illegally. At any rate, they'll keep coming back. And no stupid ass fucking wall is going to stop it.
People come up with weak ideas that are sensationally supported (the Wall, militarization of the border) and thus quickly rejected. The influence of culture, apparently, as far as preventing illegal immigration is concerned, hasn’t been thought of yet. I don’t take the politicians as fools-they know what they’re doing; they support illegal immigration because aliens are easily exploitable and good for fattening accounts, but they also want the common American public to have the illusion that they support the traditional American community: an English speaking, law abiding, and predominately white healthy middle-class.
It’s a sham and a loosing one because it runs counter to the supporting infrastructure.
Canada: do you know the statistics for illegal immigration from our northern neighbors?
About “We’re all immigrants”: this argument basically asserts the geo-centric attitude that because we all moved from one place to another, we all have a right to any land. However there’s a difference between moving to an already established community and taking advantage of its systems, and building the initial infrastructure of a community. An established community has the right to deny outsiders entry as much as you have the right to deny entry into your house. If it’s the house of your ancestors, or even, as stands in most cases today, made possible by the infrastructure built by your ancestors, you have the same right.
“America” is more than the borders of 50 states. It’s more than a geographical location. It’s a living entity that adapts and changes, gets sick and gets well, evolves to better suit its environment, like all nations. Things will NOT just stay the same. I think that’s what most people don’t really get-don’t really let sink in. It’s the people, not the laws, not the economy, not the education that makes the nation. If the people change, the laws, the economy, the culture change with it. Where will the current illegal immigrant types go when the US is just like Mexico? In the long-term they’re working toward their own disadvantage. But then, capitalism is always nearsighted.
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