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Jun 20, 2005 00:36


Tonight was amazin =)

even tho my singin was shite (i dont care what anyone says to me i could hear myself (every now and again) i knew it was shite dont fucking humour me lol =p)

Rockers is amaaazin, and all the bands we played with were kl, except T.K.S.P *cough*ripoff*cough* coz we didnt talk to them.. cause they were like.. 12.. but yeah.. lol

T.K.S.P were on first.. n.. they.. wel i wouldnt say they were awful but they were nuthin amazin.. lol i wouldnt go see them of my own free will..

Then we went on.. cause we're amazin.. ye no =) opened with.. of course.. Eye Of The Tiger.. haha was gooooooood ppl clapped.. we were happy.. then we played The Quietest Always Screams Loudest *cough*whichisonmyspace www.myspace.com/myheartlessapology *cough* =) n yeeeh.. people seemed to like it..? speshuly ma wee solo.. yas.. lol =p .. aaah a cant b fucked listin out all the songs we played but it was good, played 2 alkaline trio covers =) hell yes n private eye which had the singer from Missin' a Bit goin a bit crazy.. but it was kl lol

Missin' a Bit were on after us, then the mosh pits started.. hahah Jordan just kept chuckin everyone in.. but it was fun.. everyone was pure fucked by the end of them playin n i lost my wallet.. =| =( but Paul found it at the end =D yassss

Then Revenge of The Squirrels came on n more mosh pitttts.. and.. i wasnt really paying attention to them.. was too busy jumpin into randoms FACES.. aye.. was gd.. =)

Then Buttwiser came on.. but they took like 20 minutes gettin ready.. bastards.. so i went n stood up the back.. n couldnt be fucked goin back to the pit lol so i js got my guitar n bag n went n stood with oonagh n eilidh n helen n lauren n natalie, n then clare n paul n adam n kevin n jonny came over every now and again.. and clare.. for some reason.. punched a empty bottle of water tht was on the table and it hit off sum woman.. aye.. well done clare.. lol =p so ayeeee.. left.. worried about the lost wallet.. got the train home n there was no conductor so it was kl =)

Every band that played tonight was on the same train haha it was gd, most of them live in bearsden.. *nods* klness.. well not every band.. Missin' a Bit weren't coz they're from motherwell.. but aye.. they were on the same platform as the rest of us.. =p

So ayeeeeeee.. came home.. Paul phoned me n told me he found my wallet =) so im quite happy, Kev left his zipper in my bag.. put it on.. ther was a big difference in.. width.. lol =p NAE OFFENCE KEVIN LIEK! =p

Aye.. came home.. sat down.. drank lots of fanta coz Rockers are fuckin extortionate.. A POUND FOR A BOTTLE OF WATER! WATER SHOULD BE FREE!! oooft.. anyhoo..

aye =) overall was a feckin amaaaaaazinly fun night, a love playin at gigss tis grand fun, everyone should be in a band lol =p

Next gigs at Barfly on the 12th of July, get goin!! £4 =)

Anyhooooos am off

Nitenite. xxx ♥♥

p.s that was a relatively big update.. haha =p.. maybe ill update more often n one of those giant ones won't happen again.. =)
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