The holiday traditionally known as "Christmas" is once again about to be forced upon us all. You don't have a say in the mater, so do not even attempt to resist. Bend over, and accept it. The world around you will be celebrating Christmas even if you do not yourself want to, and despite the hypocrisy of the whole thing being about peace,love, understanding, etc.. if you try to assert your right to not calibrate it (or gods forbid, speak against it or try to calibrate something else!) the world will look down on you in pity, as if you should feel shame and sadness as they try to force you to join in.
The tree that sheltered wildlife and provided a home for so many creatures? Cut it down and offer it as a sacrifice to the holiday by watching it slowly die in what we would consider for mammals a slow and painful death from hemorrhaging and malnutrition, because it just too darn inconvenient to decorate it where it stands like we used to. Do not forget to remember the old days of blood sacrifice by garnishing it in colorful garlands and lights, since entrails from a blood sacrifice and candles hung from the branches are just not consumer friendly enough for this day and age. What's that? You say we never used entrails or candles on our trees? Don't worry, we once did!
And what about gifts?! We should give to others, give to others to till it HURTS, right? After all if we gave to others year round, helped others when you could during the year instead of saving it up, it just wouldn't have the same economic impact! And other people couldn't see us giving, so we wouldn't gain social status from the giving away of gifts. That would be terrible! So lets all give give give give NOW. T'is the season!
And the music.. who doesn't want the same exact songs playing over and over in your head? After all, the thought of putting the effort into creating new songs is just so terribly painful, not to mention would require freedom of thought and expression that we all know is against the rules anyway. We wouldn't want to rock the boat, so lets all just blindly accept that since music is an active form of creative expression, creating new music is just not allowed!
And family.. who doesn't have family?! Only weirdos and freaks from terrible homes with single, drunk, or divorces parents, (Like me.) that's who! Why, society says I should feel ashamed, because after all they can dictate how I should feel, right?!
No. Fuck Christmas. Help out people year round, anonymously if you can. Rock the boat. Get involved, build things, plant seeds and trees, give birth to new ideas, new hope, new life. Learn. Don't wait till Christmas or you will have already wasted over 11 months of the year.
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