May 13, 2009 22:21
Today, I went to the movies with "The Amazon" We saw that Mall Security cop movie
It was ok, not as funny as I was hoping, but the ball pit made up for it! haha
After that we went to Red Robin's. It was fucking amazing! From the cheesesticks to the MONSTER BURGER!!!
Than we went back to the mall and did some shopping. "The Amazon" bought me 3 buttons, YAY and I bought myself a "Bride Of Frankenstein" shirt, its sooooooooooooooo awesome.
It make me cum in my pants. Seriously.
Than on the way home, I remembered I had a meeting at work! haha I had less than 20 mins to make it, but i MADE IT! YAY
Now, I'm just a lil tired, and am working tomorrow, and than going out with "Rock 'N' Queen" to watch the hockey game after work!!!
So, lets hope tomorrow is a good day. Cause I need one. Even though today was good too. haha