Sep 13, 2009 22:55
Facebook is the internet and Live journal is the newspaper.
I think only Paul and Cait read this anyway.
I will buy some gym-proper clothes, join probably retro fitness at Welsh and Blvd., then take this Montgomery Co. police test and see what happens.
I have too much free-time on my hands to not work out. i sold my 360, and refrained from buying any more video games because I told myself it would push me out of inactivity. that was 13 months ago and I still haven't done much since. I know how to punish myself and take the proper steps toward getting on with my life, but i don't rightly know how to put those steps one in front of the other.
It always embarrassed me to tell relatives for 3 years worth of holidays, "Yeah I dropped out of college and am only working part time at a video game store, but I'm still figuring out what i want to do." college didn't help me figure anything out, what made me think sitting on my ass would? the only thing these past 3 years have taught me is how to live on a budget because i am broke as shit.