Feb 24, 2006 00:07
1. i like my height
2. my fingers are too small i wish they were longer
3. i have spent over $100 on ebay in the past 4 days and it has been for the most TRIVIAL BULLSHIT ever
4. i didnt start caring about music until the end of senior year, if not the summer...shit it may have been early college
5. i used to hate my job because of the pay but then i realized i make enough money to be able to spend money and still have some left over so im cool
6. my router keeps making these scary hissing noises its weird
7. i love dark comedies and movies with a lot of violence and nudity
8. i dont really hate black people i only say i do, when i do, to make people laugh and because i think its hilarious
9. i dont think george carlin is really that funny i saw his latest HBO standup and i BARELY laughed
10. black comedians make me laugh most
11. i find myself interested in "black" culture more and more, hence my love of rap
12. see? i love niggers (gotcha)
13. i am very happy that me and jason are now much easier on each other and all it took was one night of alcohol and weed
14. i play my video games less and less which makes me sad
15. i need to lose my virginity as SOON as possible
16. i dont masturbate
17. i average 4-6 wet dreams a month because recently i havent had many
18. i assume my high wet dream count is due to my not masturbating
19. its not that i dont masturbate because i dont believe in it or its "against my religion", i dont do it because whenever i've tried i've never succeeded
20. i have only been awake for one ejaculation my entire life (the night of 10-30-04) fuck yeah i remember that shit
21. you're all thinking "so THATS why he ALWAYS talks about sexual matters"...no you're probably all thinking "is this kid retarted?! why is he admitting all this shit?!"
22. i pick my nose a lot
23. i eat the boogers at least 80% of the time
24. i bite my fingernails and toenails
25. i can put both my legs behind my head
26. i like to dance
27. proms are awesome and i want to go to at least two more in my life
28. when no one is home i dance around my dining room and living room usually once a week and almost always to Andrew W.K.
29. it's good cardio-vascular
30. i'll admit i only recently became interested in johnny cash songs just like everyone else
31. most nights right before i go to bed i feel around my butthole to see if i have any dingleberries
32. if i do i try to pick them off then throw them in my trash can, and usually they're a little moist so after i try i go to my bathroom and wash my hands
33. if the berries are solid enough i probably wont wash my hands and will just wait for my morning shower
34. when i whipe my butt after pooping and all there is is a thin smear of light brown color (no chunks or thick smear) on the toilet paper i will put it close to my nose and give it a quick whif
35. i am very interested in the paranormal and will watch just about anything based on it
36. i only recently began to believe in ghosts
37. if there is anywhere i could live it would be australia
38. the furthest i have been from philly is Miami and that was in Nov. of 3rd grade
39. since then the furthest i've been is D.C.
40. i want to go to NYC real bad
41. i would love more than just about anything (ok maybe not more than a blowjob) to be in a movie with at leats moderately famous celebrities
42. bill maher is the best politically oriented TV personality
43. i've never been drunk
44. i've never been high
45. no, i wasnt building that up for a rhyme
46. dave chapelle should've just sucked it up and taken the $50mil for two more seasons
47. my favorite TV show now is 24
48. my first show was the chickpeas and some other people at club HP
49. that was the first time i met matt wertz it was like, early 2003 because i remember it was cold as all the balls outside
50. i want super powers really really really bad
51. im not kidding
52. i dont care that spinks is dead
53. yeah ok it IS kind asad but i got ove rit
54. i was over it BEFORE he even died
55. sorry dave
56. it was so hard for me to et on matt ehring's good side (am i even on it now?)
57. im not arrogant or proud but i usually make people laugh and are on their good side quickly, but matt was unwavering...made of marble
58. luckily i had a chisel
59. if someone whom i want to be my friend and try to make my friend is unaccepting of me, it really gets to me
60. i know sometimes it's like im forcing myself onto them but i still feel like "yo dude come on"
61. good examples are chris and joe. i think im cool with them now (they're cool with me) but it (seemed/seems) like they didnt want much to do with me--which is cool everyone is different and if you dont like someone then you dont like someone (there are people that annoy me)
62. im sorry i named your guys' names i still love you
63. friendship is probaly the most important thing to me
64. i dont want a girlfriend...right now
65. i almost sure i dont want to get married and im almsot positive i dont want kids
66. all i want is sex
67. and to dance
68. A LOT
69. i love titties
70. big ones
71. if it has a good beat, i'll probably listen to it (which is why i like most rap)
72. mos def and kanye west are probably my two favorite
73. "Moment of Truth" by Gangstarr is my favorite rap song of all time. if you have dave mirra bmx2 then u have heard it. if you havent then do everything in your power to listen to it
74. my favorite songs now are Pump it by the black eyed peas and temperature by sean paul
75. i love american psycho
76. im just about out of any disgusting facts sorry folks
77. i will seriously consider killing someone in the future if i hav a good chance to get away with it
78. i hope no Minority Report shit happens then cause i'd be fucked
79. i'd probaly just kill a homeless person
80. take him back to my place, drug him or knock him out in some kind of way, and use anything with a blade
81. shooting would be too gay
82. i said have him unconscious because i would feel so bad if i saw the look on his face--terror--and would probably not go through with it
83. i LOVE dogs
84. huskies are my favorite
85. well, huskies and shephards
86. i miss my doggy (6-4-05) she was the best dog and cutest dog ever
87. and only 11 what th ehell is that crap she was too young
88. i cried myself to sleep that night. i got picked up from work closing shift, and when i got in my dad explained that Kateri (my dog) was in the hospital, when i got home i was chillin on the computer and my sis called and said that there's no way she could make it through the night and that if i ever wanted to see her again i would have to head down
89. it was kinda surreal cause she had been pretty fine the whole week and more before, only crappin blood...but she'd done that a few times before so we figured it was a bladder infection
90. the vetrinarian we had seen a few weeks before said that all it was was a bladder infection and gave us pills to give her
91. but yeah i went and saw her with my family and she was so drugged she only layed there, slipping in and out of consciousness, and i was petting her but crying only lightly the whole time, then the vet came in and gave her a needle and that stopped her hear so that she went peacefully
92. people ask me "oh you're a film major, so you're gonna try to do that when you graduate?" i tell them i want to win the powerball lottery. i dont say it to be a sarcastic dick to them, i say it because i want to win the powerbal lottery
93. shit i didnt thin k 'd have this much to say
94. family guy seems to be trying to hard to be really clever in their jokes that sometiems you know they only said it to sound smart. but the show is still funny
95. chapelle's show and south park are the funniest hsows ever. i dont know the funniest movie ever. scary movie 3 was really really funny and i didnt expect it to be
96. i just got my non-drivers license ID today im wearing my work shirt in it because i had to go to work immediately after
97. shit its 1 i shoulda gone to bed by now i have a geology test tomorrow and i have to write a responce to the "i have a dream speech"
98. MLK is dead get over it people
99. i once put a black trash bag over my body and said, in the traditional cheesy ""oooOOOoooOOO" ghost voice, "I'm the ghost of dr martin luther king jrrrrrrr. (of course i had to carry the "r" sound because thats how you do it with ghost voices)
100. i wish my acne would vanish in an instant