Jan 26, 2005 17:26
for those of you who don't know, i will be going to the "scratching post open mic" at mr. spot's chai house tomorrow at 8 PM. All are welcome, and i'm expecting people to show up. I will be the monstrously tall and heavy set blond guy wearing all the black clothes. if you come by, be sure to say hi. I'll buy anybody a drink who gets up on stage and reads their own version of the Seattle Poetry Manifesto (or mine, if you don't want to do any work.) And they have Red Stripe in bottles there.
the vitals:
Mr. Spot's Chai House
5463 Leary Way, Seattle WA 98107 map
From Interstate 5 take the 50th Avenue exit and go west three miles to Ballard to the intersection of Market and Leary. This route is a main arterial but it can be a little tricky as it changes names and winds about. Approximately 0.8 miles from the free-way, you will come to a 5 way intersection. Follow the signs to Ballard and turn SLIGHT LEFT onto GREEN LAKE WAY N After 0.3 mile, turn SLIGHT RIGHT onto N 46TH ST and follow it down the hill and around some turns till it becomes N MARKET ST. Follow Market 1.6 miles past 20th and then, next light, turn SHARP left onto LEARY AVE NW and park immediately and you will be in front of our shop. We are between Art by Fire and Olsens furniture and are due south of the Majestic Bay theater. We have 30 minute parking out front and plenty of 2 hour parking is available in the neighborhood