ETA: Apparently, both men and women were gropees in the OSBP, and you weren't supposed to ask women who wore the red buttons. I still think this is absolutely hysterical, but I feel sort of sorry for The Ferrett, who was obviously a bit too oblivious to realize what he was letting himself in for. That being said, this is going into my file of stories I will bore my grandchildren with when I am old. (It will be competing for space with a Wall Street Journal article from my teenaged years, which detailed the falling out of two religion professors. Apparently, they had been collaborating on an effort to translate the Bible into Klingon. Unfortunately, their years long friendship was destroyed by a dispute on how to translate the words sheep and lamb. Professor 1 wanted to use a "made up" word, whereas professor 2 wanted to substitute a native Klingon animal that was some sort of a cross between a pig and a dog. Professor 1 accused professor 2 of blasphemy, while professor 2 (really) said professor 1 was not paying any attention to the vital issue of cultural relevance. The rest of the world was left with the impression that Ivy League university professors have too much time on their hands.)
It was obvious that I was not going to be able to nap while J.R. napped today. My sleep was effectively prevented between A.M. and the Earnest yet Obnoxious followers/recorded voices of Obama who keep calling me to 1) remind me to vote, 2) remind me that this will be a close election so I really need to vote, 3) ask whether I have voted yet, 4) find out whether or not I need a ride to the polls. Hillary seem to have given me up as a lost cause, although if she loses her supporters may come by and TP the house after they put me on the permanent feminist blacklist.
Since I'm also too tired to contemplate doing any cleaning (and since I'm out of Clorox wipes), I thought it wouldn't kill me to check Live Journal. I was wrong. Did you know there was an
Open Source Boob Project? Neither did I. A group of absolutely brilliant men and women discovered that that all the problems human society has had with sexuality since the beginning of time, possibly including sexism itself, can be solved if women will just let random strangers walk up and grope their breasts.
Apparently, fandom conventions have now reached the point where at least some of the female attendees can be convinced of this. Gropers have to ask permission, and gropees (all female) get to wear a button that says either "YES, you may." or "NO, you may not." Just as in real life, wearing the NO button is actually a signal that you might want to be groped! Gropers can ask anyone wearing a button whether or not they can cop a feel. Supposedly, if you're not wearing a button, they leave you alone. I'm sure everyone was high minded enough not to convince those regressive, repressed women to do themselves and the human race a favor and go put a button on. No one would be so cruel as to point out that the women could always say no, and, if they didn't wear a button, it meant they felt sex was shameful and degrading.
Well, I've read The Ferrett's Live Journal entry, and I'm convinced. I'm a conditional supporter of the OSBP. What's the condition, you ask? Well, I will only participate in the OSBP with Gropers who also participate in the OSSKBP (
Open Source Swift Kick to the Balls Project). I think this is a fair and reasonable way for us all to move forward into a brave new world.