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Dec 28, 2006 12:55

The holidays have come and gone and much fun was had.

I'm tempted to leave that as my write-up for the entire time.

queenofpink77 and I left for the good ol' W-B on the 22nd. The drive to and from home was very smooth. We stopped at a Friendly's each way because we were hungry and clearly hate our bodies. We had the tiniest blue car that I believe has ever been made. When I was shown it, my first thought was, "It's so cute". I normally don't feel this way about cars, but this one was special.

Home was a surprisingly very good time. queenofpink77 took many pictures on her phone that she will upload. Pictures such as the devil fencing with a dinosaur and the amazing "Liftovator". W-B is a magical place.

Christmas was quick, but it was the days leading up that were the most fun. We took my parents out to see Rocky Balboa. It's very good. It won't win an Oscar, but a good time is had when seeing it. We also had a game night playing Trivial Pursuit which was also fun. I also did my fair share of eating. There were cookies and kielbasa everywhere I turned and it was delicious. Back to the diet next year.

Do all the people who have given me gifts: They are currently being watched or being played. I also thank you very much for your generosity.

Here's the fun that is had when playing Justice League: Heroes:

jr_psykira - How many shields do you have?
mr_q_o_p - 705.
jr_psykira - Cool. You figure out what to do with them yet?
mr_q_o_p - No, but once I do, it's going to be SO cool!

The best gift is the iPod that holds ALL the music. If this affects your music holding capacity, I apologize since I now store ALL of the music. I realized there may be a problem since I don't have as much room on my computer that is on my iPod. I'll worry about that later. I'm just glad to have all my musicals back on and I feel totally manly admitting that.

*Jazz Hands!*

I'm of to make a BESM Hero and train somebody on some really crappy software.

Guess which one I'm more excited about.
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