(no subject)

Nov 12, 2005 01:12

does anyone read these anymore? can't really say i care . . .

This may or may not be the right place to post this, but I have had this subject on my mind since this past Monday.

Monday night, after my Bible study, I caught up with one of my friends, Colton, (also a member of the same group) to discuss an email he sent me earlier concerning gay marriage in Canada. Now, what you have to understand is that Colton is conservative. Very conservative. Given this information you can probably make a few jabs as to what his email was like and how negative my liberal reaction was.

Our discussion wandered, as a crowd of maybe twenty gathered to hear this heated debate, from its original subject matter (homosexuality) to the literal or not-so-literal translation of the Bible which, as you can probably guess, Colton takes completely to heart. Still not completely straying from the debate of homosexuality and gay marriage, Paul's letters were brought up.

Now, here are Colton's beliefs: Paul was a man of God and had a personal relationship and walked with Jesus. He was pious, but admittedly still a human being like the rest of mankind. However, because he was someone we recognize as founding the Christian church his letters take prescidence of any other Christian scholar of the time. Therefore, anything written by Paul is holy and should be read as God's word and taken to heart.

And my beef: All Christians are people of God and every true believer has a personal relationship with Jesus. Thus, the only right Paul had in forming the first Christian church was be his leadership ability. Paul's letters are used for this purpose alone and so any opinions of his own found in those writings were meant to create a sort of organization in the first congregations, acts thought of as immoral by Paul, or editted in by the papacy. The only words to be taken literaly in the Bible are those spoken by Jesus, found in the four Gospels, and the analysis of Jesus' words by the Apostles.

Now that I have relieved myself of this awkward pressure, I can sleep . . . no. Anywho, feel free to comment on this all you like or perhaps debate with me. Hell, you could even NOT respond to this.


P.S. Colton really is a great guy and I am glad we had this discussion. No barriers have been created between us in our friendship.
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