oh joy a survey

Oct 17, 2004 15:25

.: About Me :.:
.Name.: hyder
.Location.: branford
.Birthday.: 9-20-89
.Birthplace.: new haven
.Age.: 15
.School.: branford high
.Grade.: 10th
.I love.: cars
.I hate.: ugly girls =)
.I like to.: listen to music

.: Good Friends :.:
.How many.: lots
.Advice Giver.: cait
.Most dramatic.: proably the girls?
.Smartest.: carm
.Most Athletic.: eh who knos
.Funniest.: carm/galen
.Craziest.: carm
.You've known longest.: steve/carm

.: Your Guy/Girl Situations :.
.Have a boyfriend or girlfriend.: no
.If so, who.: look above bitch
.Since when.: "........."
.Longest Relationship.: 5 months
.Shortest Relationship.: 4 hours?

.: Guy/Girl Preferances :.
.Hair color/style.: short brown hair
.Eye color.: brown
.Height.: 5.8
.Clothing style.: abercrombie,gap,AE
.Age.: 15

.Smart.: i wish
.Funny.: yes
.Outgoing.: yes
.Shy.: no
.Interests.: cars, boats, music, friends, sexy naked women!

.Romantic/Not.: romantic
.Alone/Group dates.: alone
.The little things/The bigger thing.: the little things
.Older/Younger.: same,or older
.Looks/Personality.: both
.Relationship/One night.: relationship

.: Favorites :.
.Color.: blue
.Season.: winter
.singer.: toby keith
.Type of Music.: most everything, besdies shit that is
.Store.: AE
.Movie.: scarface
.Sport.: basketball, football
.TV Show.: laguna beach
.Song.: good to go to mexico, sundown
.Food.: pasta, pizza, lobster
.Drink.: Mr. Pib =)
.Restaurant.: chowder pot, sams dockside, cafe A'legra

.: Have You Ever :.
.Stolen anything.: yeah
.Snuck out of your house.: nah
.Done something to fit in with the: no
.Done something illegal.: yes
.Been to a concert.: yes
.Hurt yourself on purpose.: let someone shoot me in the ass with a gun
.Done drugs.: ehhh
.Gotten drunk.: ehhh
.Had sex.: no
.Cheated on a bf/gf.: no
.Gotten cheated on by your bf/gf.: unfortunatley
.Skipped school for no reason.: yes
.Gotten suspended from school.: yes

.: Future :.
.College.: yes
.Marriage.: yes
.Career.: yes
.Kids.: yes

.: Now :.
.Music Playing.: Click Click Boom
.Mood.: tired
.Talking to anyone.: jcait
.Wearing.: boxers, white t shirt

.: Last :.
.Last IM sent.: cait
.Last IM recieved.: cait
.Last song listened to.: sundown-elwood
.Last movie seen.: baby genuises
.Last question, happy?.: YES!

Does It Matter?

looks: yes
body: yes
personality: yes
sense of humor: yes
social status: no
interests: yes

What is best on a girl

color eyes: doesnt matter
color hair: blonde or brown
skinny or some meat on the bones: slim
type of music she likes: same as me
type of clothes she wears: anyhting but not ghetto or gothic!
make up face or all natural: a little make up
what sport she plays: it doesn't matter

Is it intimidating if she...

has a wrestler for a daddy: nah id own him
is extremely beautiful: no
has more muscles than you: no..hm erica!
is a hardcore goth: not intimidating, but pretty gross!
is more innocent than the virgin mary: no
is a bitch: no
is capable of kicking your ass: no
is better than you at sports: no

Are you...

boyfriend material?: yes
a gentleman?: yes
a pimp?: psh who isnT?
too shy to ask a girl out?: no
a horn dog?: nah, well depends what u mean=) ..aint scared or nothing!
a lover?: yeah
a fighter?: if they talk shit, but besdies that i stay cool

Would you rather...

have a hot bitchy gf or a an okay looking, great person one?: okay looking, great person
be a pimp or have a long time gf?: long time
date a dancer or volleyball player?: either or they both know how to work it
have few longtime gfs or have tons of 2 week ones?: few longtime
date a geek or a goth?: neither

Have you ever....

made a move at the wrong time?: ?
been rejected while making a move?: nah
kissed on the first date?: yah
more than kiss on the first date?: no
been dumped?: yes
dumped somebody?: yes
dumped somebody you regret?: no
dated a girl because she was hot?: ehh, thats tuff...nahh aint like that
dated a girl because youd get some?: ...no
been in love?: u could say that
hit a girl?: maybe a few punches but just kidding around...and oh yeah i beat the shit outa my sister =)

extremely long survey

Created by xfallingforyoux and taken 37074 times on bzoink!
ABOUT YOUYour full name:kevin david hyderAge:15Height:5'8Natural hair colour:brownEye colour:brownNumber of siblings:1Glasses/contacts?:noPiercings:my nipples...i wish!Tattoos:noBraces?:not any more thank godFAVOURITEColour:blueBand:green daySong:alottStuffed animal:turtle?Video game:shootin onesTV show:everythin on mtvMovie:scarfaceBook:who the hell reads?Food:pastaGame on a cell phone:texas hold emCD cover:kid rockFlower:dandilionScent:fcuk- girls perfume?Animal:dogsComic book:captain underpants bitchCereal:reesesWebsite:www.cardomain.comCartoon:i dunno?DO YOUPlay an instrument?:noWatch TV more than 60 hours a week?:yesLike to sing?:yeah but i suckHave a job?:noHave a cell phone?:yeah manLike to play sports?:yupHave a boyfriend/girlfriend?:nahHave a crush on someone?:yeahLive somewhere NOT in the united states?:noHave more than 5 TVs in your house?:yesHave any special talents/skills?:nopeExcercise daily?:yesLike school?:noCAN YOUSing the alphabet backwards?:if i tryedStand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?:noSpeak any other languages?:spanishGo a day without food?:yesStay up for more than 24 hours?:no i get real tiredRead music, not just tabs?:nopeRoll your tongue?:yesEat a whole pizza?:yeahhhhhHAVE YOU EVERSnuck out of the house?:yeahCried to get out of trouble?:yupGotten lost in your city?:nopeSeen a shooting star?:yeahBeen to any other countries besides the united states?:noHad a serious surgery?:tonsils removed if that countsStolen something important to someone else?:yeahSolved a rubiks cube?:if u count changin the colors so it looks good then yeahGone out in public in your pajamas?:yupCried over a girl?:sadly, yesCried over a boy?:i aint gayKissed a random stranger?:depends on what u consider a strangerHugged a random stranger?:yeahBeen in a fist fight?:yesBeen arrested?:noDone drugs?:ehhhHad alcohol?:yesLaughed and had milk come out of your nose?:haha in 3rd gradePushed all the buttons on an elevator?:yeahGone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?:yeahSwore at your parents?:yeahBeen to warped tour?:no?Kicked a guy where it hurts?:5th gradeBeen in love?:yesBeen close to love?:yesBeen to a casino?:yesRan over an animal and killed it?:couple timesBroken a bone?:noGotten stitches?:yeahHad a waterballoon fight in winter?:yupDrank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?:yeahMade homemade muffins?:my life storyBitten someone?:haha no but cait knows how to do thatBeen to disneyland/disneyworld?:yeah 3 times?More than 5 times?:noBeen to niagra falls?:where the hell is that?Burped in someones face?:couple timesGotten the chicken pox?:noWHENS THE LAST TIME YOUBrushed your teeth:in the shower this morningWent to the bathroom:last ngiht after i drank a pitcher of sodaSaw a movie in theaters:a month agoRead a book:summerHad a snow day:last winterHad a party:march,april,may,june...Had a slumber party:im 15..not 5Made fun of someone:every second of every day..its my jobTripped in front of someone:haha in gymWent to the grocery store:not in awhile..thats why theres PEAPOD!Got sick:a couple days agoCursed:this morningPICK ONEFruit/vegetables:fruitBlack/white:white fo shoLights on/lights off:offTV/movie:movieCar/truck:truckBody spray/lotion:sprayCash/check:cashPillows/blankets:blanketsHeadache/stomach ache:headachePaint/charcoal:paintChinese food/mexican food:mexicanSummer/winter:summerSnow/rain:snowFog/misty:fogRock/rap:rapMeat/vegetarian:meatBoy/girl:girlChocolate/vanilla:vanillaSprinkles/icing:sprinklesCake/pie:pieFrench toast/french fries:french friesStrawberries/blueberries:strawberriesOcean/swimming pool:poolHugs/kisses:kissesCookies/muffins:cookiesp33n/bewbz:p33n?Wallet/pocket:walletWindow/door:doorEmo/goth:emoPink/purple:pinkCat/dog:dogLong sleeve/short sleeve:short sleevePants/shorts:shortsWinter break/spring break:spring breakSpring/autumn:autumnClouds/clear sky:clear skyMoon/mars:moonFRIENDSHIPHow many friends do you have?:alotWhat are their names?:cant name them allDo you have a best friend?:coupleHave you ever liked one of your friends?:yeahDo you have more guy friends or more girl friends?:eh, sameHave you ever lost a friend?:yeahHave you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?:SIXS FLAGS BABYWhats an inside joke between you and a friend?:mowhawksHave you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?:yeahWhats the nicest thing youve ever done for a friend?:threw a party, bought him a cake, Whats the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?:alotta stuff...there the bestDo you miss any of your old friends?:coupleWhat friend have you known the longest?:i dunnoDo you regret anything youve done to a friend?:yeahIf so, what is it?:long time agoHow often do you spend time with your friends?:alottDo any of your friends drive?:yeahHas a friend of yours ever died?:noWhats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?:alotta shitWhat do you think your friends think of you?:they love meLOVE AND ALL THAT CRAPHave you ever been in love?:yesIf you have, with who?:no namesAre you single?:yeahAre you in a relationship?:noIf so, for how long?:noDo you believe there is someone for everyone?:yeahWhat is your idea of the best date?:sex..haha lol idunno a good timeWhat was your first kiss like?:goodHow old were you when you got your first kiss?:13?Do you think love is a load of shit?:no lolWhats the best experiance youve ever had with the opposite sex?:alotta good timesIf you are single, have you had any boyfriends/girlfriends before?:yesHave you ever been dumped?:yeahHave you ever dumped someone?:yeahWhats the most sexual thing youve done with the opposite sex?:wouldnt u like to knowWORD ASSOCIATIONSlippers:blueHat:whiteHard:ballFree:sodaSpace:starsTaste:budsGood charlotte:bandRed:bloodDeep:throatHeart:pledgeCord:phoneCheese:wizRain:dropsWork:hardPedal:to the metalHead:helmetBed:frameFluff:pillowHardcore:sexRace:carKnife:stabJump:offI....am:hotwant:girlsneed:girlscrave:moneylove:girlshate:ugly girlsdid:homeowrkfeel:like crapmiss:heram annoyed by:some peoplewould rather:driveam tired of:schoolwill always:be meSILLY STUFFWhat is your favourite genre of music?:mostly all. but not shitWhat time is it now?:4.21What day is it?:sundayWhens the last time you called someone?:this morningHow much money do you have right now?:4 bucksAre you hungry?:yeahWhatcha doin?:gettin ready to go outDo you like parades?:some of themDo you like the moon?:sureWhat are you going to do when youre done with this?:go out to eatIsnt cup a funny word when you repeat it over and over?:noIf you could have any magical power what would it be?:i dunnoHave you ever had a picnic?:yesDid you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?:still doWhat about sock em boppers?:i did till me and carm beat the shit outa each other and broke themAre you wearing any socks right now?:yesDO YOU THINK YOU AREfunny?:yeahpretty?:psh hell yeah nigsarcastic?:sometimeslazy?:oh yeah!hyper?:when i want to befriendly?:veryevil?:nosmart?:i wish
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