That Gaiman Who Ep

May 15, 2011 23:36

Again - a bit bemused by the gushing I'm seeing all over. I've seen more than one person say "best episode of Who evar" and "make Neil write every episode!" But huh?

I mean, the stuff between the Dr and Idris was great, Idris herself was great, and the concept of the enemy was nice, but - the execution of the enemy was kinda bleah, wasn't it? The Rory/Amy B-plot which was supposed to sell us on how scary this villain was just came across as filler: boring boring boring. And it was outwitted ever so easily at the end.

Don't get me wrong, it was certainly a good episode. But given the above, it really wasn't a great episode. Was it?

And also. Last year I moaned that two of the only good ideas I had for Doctor Who novels had been stolen (STOLEN!) by the new TV series. Now it's ripping off my short stories as well! Blimey! (If you clicky, forgive the somewhat breathless purple-hued prose - I was so very very young...)
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