Earthquake Bundle

Feb 24, 2011 09:09

(cross-posting from Gametime, for obvious reasons - this is about support from the global tabletop RPG community, if you're part of that, then here's a great way to spend US$20)

Delighted by the OneBookShelf relief bundle for the Christchurch Earthquake. Lots of efforts going on behind the scenes to make this happen - huge thanks to Matt McElroy at OBS, and Gregor Hutton & Gareth-Michael Skarka for driving the conversation.

_So_ much good stuff generously offered by publishers!

And from Kiwis - there's NZ company RedBrick's Earthdawn novel, & Silver Kiss, & Al-Shir Ma, & my adventure for ICONS... and Cold City and Remember Tomorrow from our Scottish honorary-Kiwi contingent...

(I don't even want to start writing about the earthquake itself. It still feels unreal. Enough to say that every bit of support is hugely appreciated.)

Get the bundle here:
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