Mar 27, 2005 18:57
Firstoff, Happy Easter to all of you. ((Don't they celebrate Eatser on Monday in Canada?))
Anyway, now that that's over and done with, I have to go on another rant about work. For some reason, I'm starting to think that maybe teaching isn't the right job for me. I mean, I used to love coming in and watching Archie do his lessons. I even enjoyed subbing for him... at first. Something about teaching has started to bother me. It's not really all of the work that I have to do (after all, isn't doing work the point of a job?!) or even the students not paying attention. Teaching, as I've discovered, is a bit like havig your favorite food for dinner every night for 2 months. Sure, you're going to love it at first but after a while, you're going to get sick of having the same thing over and over again. I don't know if being a teacher is what I really want to do with the rest of my life. Now if I could just become a substitute teacher and only come in when I was needed then I wouldn't have any problems.
For a minute there, I was thinking about dropping out. Or at the very least, switching my major. I'm seriously thinking about becoming an accountant but there's no way in hell that that's going to happen. I'm just a poor college kid and my parents are paying for me to go here. No, wait, they're paying for me to become a teacher. Sure, I've tried to talk to them about this but it's always that same speech. "Matthew, our money is going towards your career as an educator, not as someone's personal money counter." I'm getting sick of them telling me what to do with my life but there isn't really anything I can do about. I can't work in a bar for the rest of my life trying to earn money to go to college so I can have a career that I'm happy with.
God, I need to take a mental health holiday. Anything to get out of here.