May 16, 2006 15:44
Well here we are, first year exams well underway... done 2 out of 4 so far... theyve been alright really...not too bad but not too fantastic either, should be on track to pass tot he next year but we'll see!
Had to leave early from the 2nd exam.. there is no way I'm going to sit there n wait for 400+ papers to be collected at the end of the exam... it's meant to finish at 3 not 4!
Got the next exam on a Saturday... SATURDAY!? What is going on? You NEVER have exams on a saturday!... someone will pay for this!
Also got stuff like the finance forms to do (so I have money next year) and all that jazz... and AIESEC? That can wait til I've finished my exams...
Been hanging out with ze lovely Dessyaniellousinio loads while revising, it's been pretty cool really... even if we get frequently distracted... I should be cooking for us tonight actually methinks...
Ironically I think Facebook, the university procastrination/addiction to end all procastrination/addictions has taken over MSN for wasting my good time... (if you're a university student, who didn't come here from facebook, then JOIN US mwa ha ha ha)...
and on that note I bid ye farewell!