Jul 20, 2007 17:34
1. Myself. You should only use the reflexive pronoun "myself" if the word "I" comes before it in the same sentence. "I did it myself" is correct. "They gave presents to my brother and myself" is incorrect.
2. bring / take. You bring to where you currently are. You take everywhere else.
3. Homonyms: a group of words that share the same spelling or pronunciation (or both) but have different meanings:
a. your / you're. If you mean "you are," use you're. If you mean something belonging to someone else, use your.
b. aisle / isle. Theatres do not have isles.
c. altar / alter. Churches do not have alters.
d. peek / peak / pique. I only got a brief peek at the mountain's peak, which piqued my curiosity.
End of lesson. You may now resume your previously scheduled activities.
grammar rant