I never understood why otehr teachers always say field trip days are crazy.
They would only say, "If I tried to tell you, you wouldn't believe me."
Since I have no reputation for tall tales, let me sum up the day in a short story. . .
I woke up like any other day, groggy and decaffinated, so I put on some tea. . .
But the tea kettle turned into a miniature elephant, said, "What did you expect?" and walked off behind the spatulas.
After rubbing my eyes, I took a close look in the mirror, and peered deep into my soul.
Strangely enough, my consciousness seemed to be split, so I took a picture to see if it was just the pig I ate last night.
So it wasn't the pig.
Dang pig, I can still smell him.
On my one block journey to school, I managed to run over a catfish and get its spines stuck in my tires.
Dang squashed catfish, I can still smell him.
Luckily, (and quite peculiarly) some of my students came to the rescue spouting out something about science, Isaac Newton, and helping others.
Before I knew it, my tire was changed, and we were ready to go on our field trip.
After we swam to the bottom of the sea,
I taught the students how to fly.
It is amazing how they toed the line and worked together after that.
The only mishap was a dismembered leg, but the parents were big fans of pirate jokes, so they didn't care.
Our field trip ended with a trip to Mr. Roger's neighborhood, at the neighborhood bakery (where angry and hungry demonstrators demanded justice for the sweettoothed).