Sep 11, 2004 12:54
Jaavanse Jongers, ahh the best smoke every just loverly black dark tobacco. Great ciggies and better Joints.
Spent the last few nights round at Ian and Lucy's place till stupid o'clock, playing console games and watching telly. XIII is great and I even managed to play it !!! getting better and better at consoles, but still sucking alot at beat 'em ups, perhaps because they require memory and co-ordination.
Still 'impressed' about job fluffingness but happily have been too knackered at night to worry about it so far, got things to do tomorrow aswell.
Oh and hotmail sucks balls all of my stuff has been late etc. Especially irritating when you are trying to send Downtimes to yourself for a game. Speaking of which I went rather well IMHO and got as close as humanly possible actually killing Ranagar as I think he'd like. We shall see if he learns anything form this or not.
"Roken is dodelijk"