Mar 19, 2005 12:01
Do you ever wish that some dumbass drunk driver would slam into you and put you in that sate of mind where you cant feel, you cant see, you cant hear, you basically dont exist. I do. 3 months....thats all we got to say goodbye to our friends our family and whatever else meant a lot in our life before we leave this sheltered life and move on into the real world. Now sure we say that we will see eachother in the future, and we will visit eachother all the time, but if you truly believe that then you need to wake up and face reality. Maybe some of us might stay in touch like Dan and Amanda, and me and Jeff, but lets face it we got 3 months before all of our lifes change. Wether it's for the good or the bad i want to be the first to wish you all luck. I hate to be the one who has to face reality all the time but by now i am used to it. Hapiness, love, hate, and life will all end someday so whats the point in holding on to it now. Why do we sacrafice so much for a friend or a loved one when we dont even know if it will be worth it in the end. I wish i could live in a world werefeelings dont exist, that way you cant be hurt, scared, confused, happy, sad, angry, tired(mentally), annoyed, depressed, or any other feeling of emotion. One day it will all end and we wont have to worry about anything anymore, we wont have to deal with the bull shit of life it will finally be all over.
P.S. I didnt post this to get people to comment on it. I posted this for my own satisfaction. Now if you want to be a cinical asshole and post something like "get over it" or something of that nature go ahead, because i know for a fact everyone has posted some sort of entry like this so giving me shit about it will just make you look like an ass and a completelt ignorant one at that.