OOC/IC Permissions and character information(txt based)

Oct 29, 2030 10:17


Hugging this character: He is okay with this
Kissing this character: Sure, his reaction would likely be hilarious.
Flirting with this character: Go on ahead he may even flirt back.
Fighting with this character: He's usually up for a Pokemon battle if he isn't busy. He's also up to punching your character in the face when provoked enough.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): If it's anything that could severely hurt him or break his bones I'd like to be talked with first, but regular fight injuries are okay since he's likely to start the fight anyway and needs those physical consequences.
Killing this character: No killing.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: He'd feel violated and get very crabby/snippy most likely, but I don't see the harm of reading his mind.

Warnings: His temper can be short(depending on subject) and he gets physical when that happens. He likes to punch a face and tussle if he's angered by the person.

Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!


Age: 18
Birthday: April 30th ( Taurus)
Height: 5'9 (Just like he wishes he had better hair)
Weight: With all of his exploring and scaling he has a bit of muscle, but he keeps it hidden due to mild shyness.
Birthplace: Isshu region, Kanako Town

Personality: Two years of an unexpected adventure done a number on his once blase personality. He's much more blunt and out there. Still not quite extroverted but not as reclusive and unsure of himself--somehow this makes him more of a jerkass. His friends see his best side, but depending on what he feels out of your personality upon meeting he may be cool and ready, or verbally mischievous towards you. He makes quick judgment of even first impressions. (He is rather judgmental.)

He also has a knack for bullying boys(Teen and older) he thinks are wusses or are 'try-hard tough'. He also has a knack (but this time unknowingly so) of bulling the emo(tional) ones as well. He thinks he's helping them toughen up by screwing around with them, but he's most likely just making it worse for their self-esteem/whatever problems they have than making them the standard strong and collected male(And will not apologize unless the damage is clear or really bad.).  This kind of behavior doesn't occur with girls, what happens with girls is that he gets weirded out (possibly grossed out depending on the level of it) by very masculine and boyish ones unless they can distract him with strong personality characteristics.

In short on the last paragraph: He's a jerk.

...And is a gay conservative.

Background story: Pokemon white version
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