Nov 24, 2007 21:56
A little while back, I turned my LJ into friends only, mainly because I'm not a huge fan of my life being for public consumption. The folks on here fall into differing orbits in my life, and thus, will fall into different filters. There are some posts that all of you can see. There are some that are directed at my local friends, and others at my gamer friends. I will often put these type of posts behind further filters, not because I'm trying to be a jerk, just because sometimes, I don't want to potentially clutter my friends' pages w/ things that are outside of their purview or interest.
That said, friends filters/locks are there for a purpose. Namely that I trust those of you here to keep what goes on in my LJ in the land of LJ only, unless I give permission to put elsewhere, or is something that is readily available on the web anyway (such as youtube). If you see something here that I've posted, and feel the need to forward it on, don't. I've put up fences for a reason.
Thank you.
(any commentary is screened)