
Feb 21, 2004 13:25

So I always read people live journals entries, and they bitch alot and ask what people really think about them, and me being the ass that I am, talk shit to myself and call them emo bitches and think they should quit fucking whining. But as im sitting here today, i realize why the fuck do i call them emo bitche, why the fuck do i always say i hate emo when i havent really heard it. Deep down i am not really the asshole that you think i am. It really is just all fucking show, i do it to survive. I mean back in the early days of mill a probably up to six grade i was the fucking school loser, no one like me and i was this little bitch, and then i realize the only way to survive was to be a major ass, and that what i am today, saying smart ass coments to people i dont even know, talking shit all the time, being all fucking negative. Its pretty fucked up considering i always talk shit about people like that. Dont get me wrong there is some stuff that really pisses me off like people who shop at hot topic and dirtys, but im not as big as ass as you think. So im going to do what i used to shun and ask what people really think about me.
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