Sep 14, 2008 20:39
Where have I been?
I have been busily squiring a child, of course! It dribbled on me. :-/
It would appear to be over a year since I last waffled within the pages of my diary. Which is a shame as I started my livejournal four years ago!
I watched Who Put The 'M' in Manchester? last night and it made me feel vaguely... nostalgic, I suppose. My heart still leaps to my mouth each time I see Boz balance his guitar like that though! £2,000 of guitar, balancing on his sweaty palm.
Moving swiftly on, as one indeed must, I am rather annoyed (no, that should be extremely annoyed) by that dreadful dvd release. And the Smiths Greatest Hits or whatever they've unimaginatively titled it. Oh why won't they listen to me? They hear my voice singing, but does anyone listen to my opinion? Clearly not!
My album's delay causes me pain, dear reader, as no doubt it causes you (unless secretly you loathe me and are only here to revel in my dismay). I would really like to go on tour now, and it's rather torturous for me as each morning I wake up, having forgotten the delay, and then *SMACK!* I'm reminded of it, and I groan afresh.
Woe is me.
That said, it means I now have time to help mum with her garden. There's onion sets to plant, and they're not going to do it themselves!
Incidentally, Boz says hello. Apparently he's got an album out soon. It doesn't feature me on it, though, which is most remiss, but he said that he thinks you chaps would be interested. So, do jot in your diaries/Outlook Calendars that Miss Pearl will be out on 23rd September.
Out of where? Borstal?