Jan 22, 2006 22:30
s ogot to rotterdam finene ..keeps feeding me joints yikes... so we drank and smoked and then went to the train to go to amsterdam ..hehe my tummy tickles. feels smooth .
her freind was on the train..then her roommate met her us on the train. she had vodka..and we got drunk and w.ent to a asmderclub in amst. so we dance and drink...and i made out with her roommate ..then she made out wiht everyone else kin the roomm mhahslut. so then i wake up getting puinched in the stomach out sidr of th club and thrown against the wall....i tehe bouncers kicked me out because iw as passed out on the steps or a couch or the fgolorfd i dont know. KK well they wouldnt let me in back in..sp findall they let me in..yaaaay ..and then the bouncer followed me in just to get my freinds.. because before they kept asking me to describe my freinds.. and i kept ts telinig them everyone looks te same. i find them we leave..well thats the end of ufl theauitat b story . now leonieke madeday me some hash brownies today and i watched fear and loathing and now im kid ofn well tya, ciao