Back from Bonnaroo

Jun 15, 2004 20:00

Well I am Back from Bonnaroo now, four days of sleeping in tents, listening to music, doing drugs and drinking, but not necessarily in that order. I think drugs came first, but I'm not sure. The fact that I don't know is probably a sure sign drugs was first though. Oople. At Bonnaroo I saw, did, or had someone try and sell me...
Special K
and more,
I stuck to Pot and beer mostly, but I also smoked Opium and Hash. I didn't want to do shrooms, cause they don't sound like something I'd enjoy, but I was eying the Acid, and I even would've tried coke probably if it hadn't run out in the first day or so. I don't want to sound hypocritical about it or anything, so let me clarify. I wouldn't ask someone not to do something and then do it myself, that would be fucked up. But now who am I asking not to do it, I don't hate coke, not to much anyway. I just ask Haley not to do it because I know it's not good for her, and she has told me so many times how much she really hates it, and that she asked me to help her stop, to be there when she was a bitch going through withdrawl. I signed up for that job, I was willing to go through that, I wasn't willing to watch her flirt with disaster. We both watched a best friend snort herself in to the hospital after just the third or fourth time she did it, and it scared everyone, everyone but Haley. I don't worry about addiction so much, Haley doesn't have an addictive personality, but she does have a self destructive one it seems. So to tie it all together, I am not opposed to doing coke myself. If I feel like it I will do it, and if not, then I won't. I can handle my shit always have always will. I just have to trust that Haley can and will also.
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