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Jul 08, 2005 02:35

Music and movies

Created by smiler92 and taken 68 times on bzoink!
Have you seenDude Wheres My Car?yeaSpiderman?yeaSpiderman2yeaWith out a paddle?yeaSleep overno13 going on 30yeaThe Breakfest Club?yeaWaynes worldyeaBack to the future?yeaThe day after tomorrow?yea8 legged freaksyeaLegally blondeyeaNational SecurityyeaThe Run DownyeaAmerican WeddingyeaThirteenyeaCinderellayeaBambiyeaThe Haunted MansionyeaFreaky Fridayyeathe fast and the furiousyeaXXX (triple x)yeaDaddy Day careyeaThe wrold of tomorrownoIce ageyeaResident Evilyeanight of the twisters?Dodge ballyeaAnchormanyeaDo you likeNellynoBlink-182yea50 centnoGreen DayyeaSimple PlansomewhatEminemnoJay-ZnoLincoln ParkyeaTwistanoXzibitnoMXPXyeaThe UsedyeaGood Charlotteyea_someBuddy HollyyeaKissyeaKornyeaWillie NelsonsomeRob ZombieyeaOutkastnoRap music in generalnoPunk music in generalyeaRock music in generalyeacountry music in gerneralsome_like johnny cash
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Not much went on today.Stay at Sarahs till about 5 and then came home.I want to go to the library today but didnt get the chance.I finished reading Demon Seed by Dean Koontz today and last night I started on the first book of A Series of Unfortunate Events.So far its good the first three books follow the movie.Plus I'm in the process of reading Ruronni Kenshin up to 11 and I'm gonna start another Koontz book called The Vision and I'm gonna start the Chronicles of Narnia.Well thats about it for now.
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