Well, to those of you who celebrate it, Happy Thanksgiving! Or as my Pa would sometimes call it, Turkey Day.
And for those of you who don't celebrate it, I still hope you enjoy the extra food the Caffeteria staff seem to have made in honor of the, admittedly very American, traditional day of thanks and over-eating.
Dear Ma and Pa.
Hello from Zenithia! I'm sorry it's been a while since I've written. I can't even say it's because I've been busy - which I have. But that's no real excuse.
The place is still fantastic and amazing and a little unreal seeming. We had a Zombie invasion over Halloween, if you can believe that. I helped a great many people. I do so daily, though it's far simpler stuff than you generally see in Metropolis.
I've made some freinds. Not a great many and most of them are very quiet and I see them seldom. The castle and city are large places, after all. But when I do manage to spend time with them, it's always a good time. No-one has as yet found out my secret and no-one is close to it, thankfully. Everyone here is so used to seeing strange things, a man who can fly and perform great feats of strength really doesn't stick out as much as it might on our world.
I'd like to think I'm still needed here, however. Maybe not as needed as I thought I might be, but I do what I can.
Mostly this letter is to, once again, tell you how thankful I am for your love and guidance over the years. Even when I'm so far awa from you, you're never far from my thoughts, no matter how infrequent my letters may be. Being as it's Thanksgiving, it only seems right to remind you, even though I know you're well aware. Or at least I hope you are!
Have a safe and happy Holiday. I'll be home for Christmas, without fail. Is there anything in particular you want as a gift? Remember, I have access here to a literally infinite number of universes and planets, and countries so please, use your imaginations!
P.S. Twinkies are, apparently, a universal constant. Many alternate Americas exist and they all seem to have them. And we wonder why they never expire!