In fandom, if you read the loads of meta that get posted all over the place, one regularly runs into musings on the nature of fanfiction, or that fancy new term they've got these days, "transformative works" or whatever. In any case, you read a lot about what fanfiction means, why it's written, why it ostensibly should be written, etc. etc.
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Seriously, though, you're right about the characters being shallow. More depth of character would have been great, but Rowling didn't set out to write a character-driven story, I think. She's got all the elements of your archetypal "Prophecy Quest" story and she runs with it. Hell, it's practically Star Wars in it's set up: Dumbledore is Obi-Wan, Snape is Lando, Sirius is Han, Hermionie and Ron are 3P0 and R2, Harry is Luke, etc. Harry/Luke is the Chosen One who will Defeat Voldemort/Bring Balance to the Force. Snape/Lando is thought to be working for the Death Eaters/Empire, but saves the day at one point, etc. You get where I'm going with it?
You're right about there being lots of potential to develop it into a mature story for mature readers, but you have to remember she was writing for 11 year olds at first and scaling up from there. You can't make a story for 11 year olds suddenly a story that would appeal to 25 year olds without fundamentally altering what made it appeal to the 11 year olds, you know what I mean?
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