I've started a blog on Multiply at mistermo.multiply.com. It's got it's pros and cons compared to livejournal - It's much better for displaying multimedia, like pictures, videos, and soundbytes, and it's easier to find friends of friends. That said, it loads very slowly and it's hard to search for people if you don't know whether they have an acount there or not. You're not likely to find a friend on multiply if they don't know you'r on, unless it's through a common acquaintance. So you can't find interesting people that live in your area.
My Blog. Multiply home page Multiply is much more about keeping in touch with people you know IRL, whereas LJ is more for finding new friends. It's a bit of a hassle to maintain two blogs, but I'll prolly just cut and paste things that I think can go to both sites. Does anyone here have a blog there already?