Oct 02, 2005 12:17
I don't update this journal very often these days. I have abused the ability to rant for far too long and I suppose I feel a bit ashamed. I think you all need a break every now and then.
The latest news is that I am skint as fuck. Being in a band is all cool, but when you're doing three gigs a week, it tends to hit you in the pocket. We played at Bar Rumba last Wednesday. It was a cool night, we were first on which meant that we could take advantage of 2 for 1 at the bar afterwards! The other two bands on the bill... hmmm, the first was like a Jet/Rolling Stones homage (in a bad way) and the headlining band were a bit wuss rock. You can imagine how our noisy electro punk indie schmindie atmospherics went down... Ho Hom.
I was supposed to stay in last night. I managed until 11.30. I had been drinking Stella all evening and decided to go out to the local indie dive. I had a really good night down there. One of the barmaids that works there had the night off. She's in a band called Havana Guns. They're cool, like The Libertines doing Blondie covers. But playing properly. Check them out. She's a very pretty girl too. :)Sadly, as you probably all know, I can't/don't dance. She asked me if I wanted to go and dance with her, I said that I can't/don't dance and she disappeared. Haha. Nice one Mattie!
Guess who was in the Pad last night? No, not Chrith Eubank. Amanda. It was nice to see her. We spoke for a bit and I gave her a hug. I was talking to a girl at the bar whilst waiting to get served, according to the girl I was talking to, apparently Amanda kept looking over at me as I had my back to her. The girl I spoke to also said that Amanda's boyfriend was ugly. Which I don't know whether to laugh or cry about. :/
One thing I will say boys and girls, Stella and cider isn't good. I was a wee bit sick. I made it home to bed at about 5am. I stayed for "afters" at the club with the owner. I tried DJing for a bit... RUBBISH. :(
Today's band practice was good. Although, I was sick in a bin. Classy. We've got loads of new ideas. The one we worked on today sounded wicked. Really Death in Vegas sounding. Just loads of loops and samples and some spacey guitars. :D
Now, I am poor for the rest of the month. Stupid phone bill, car tax and speeding fine to pay. :(