sometimes i spend an hour talking like this

Jun 14, 2006 23:38

Splitforthecity (10:29:31 PM): kevin fucking arnold
JON TlTOR (10:30:49 PM): more like keving sheepish and timid arnold
Splitforthecity (10:31:19 PM): more like kevin fuck machine arnold
JON TlTOR (10:31:44 PM): haha
JON TlTOR (10:31:52 PM): kevin punches guys in the shoulder arnold
Splitforthecity (10:32:09 PM): kevin my girlfriend is a cunt arnold
JON TlTOR (10:32:26 PM): kevin my dad hates me arnold
Splitforthecity (10:32:46 PM): kevin my best friend is a nerd arnold
JON TlTOR (10:33:24 PM): kevin how does my adorable face not geet more hot chicks
JON TlTOR (10:33:30 PM): arnold
Splitforthecity (10:33:44 PM): kevin my brother is corey mathews arnold
JON TlTOR (10:34:36 PM): kevin i wish my hot hippie sister was featured more in the show arnold
Splitforthecity (10:35:14 PM): kevin wasnt my hot hippie sister the chick that played howard sterns wife in private parts arnold
JON TlTOR (10:36:06 PM): kevin i think so but cant be sure arnold
Splitforthecity (10:37:52 PM): kevin remember when my hot sister dated ross from friends arnold
Splitforthecity (10:40:53 PM): kevin nah my hot sister was a different chick then the chick in private parts arnold
JON TlTOR (10:41:00 PM): Kevin yea vaguleyarnold
JON TlTOR (10:41:06 PM): Kevin haha arnold
Splitforthecity (10:42:27 PM): kevin almost twenty minutes of saying this inbetween kevin and arnold arnold
JON TlTOR (10:43:00 PM): kevin its getting out of hand arnold
Splitforthecity (10:43:23 PM): kevin i dont know how to talk any other way arnold
Splitforthecity (10:43:36 PM): kevin FUCK SALT! arnold
JON TlTOR (10:43:43 PM): kevin i know me too its a new way of life arnold
JON TlTOR (10:43:50 PM): kevin lolz arnold
Splitforthecity (10:45:00 PM): kevin i'm hyped that i am winning rollers on ebay arnold
JON TlTOR (10:45:10 PM): kevin how much dude arnold
Splitforthecity (10:45:28 PM): kevin 35 with shipping arnold
Splitforthecity (10:45:47 PM): kevin arnold is replacing the period arnold
JON TlTOR (10:46:26 PM): kevin kevin is the new capitilatzion arnold
JON TlTOR (10:46:45 PM): kevin your should get on your rollers while working your bench press thing arnold
JON TlTOR (10:46:51 PM): kevin at the samew time arnold
Splitforthecity (10:47:07 PM): kevin this is how we will talk in the future arnold
JON TlTOR (10:47:37 PM): kevin agreed arnold
JON TlTOR (10:47:58 PM): kevin i move to add kevin arnold to the gods of our religio arnold
Splitforthecity (10:48:14 PM): kevin agreed arnold
JON TlTOR (10:48:42 PM): kevin god of being jerked around by chicks arnold
Splitforthecity (10:49:01 PM): kevin pussy whipped arnold
Splitforthecity (10:49:20 PM): kevin even though i dont think they fucked arnold
Splitforthecity (10:49:32 PM): kevin chris arnold
JON TlTOR (10:50:14 PM): kevin i never realized to be pussy whipped you had to engage in intercourse but now that term makes much more sense to me arnold
Splitforthecity (10:50:29 PM): kevin haha arnold
Splitforthecity (10:52:00 PM): kevin kevin arold is gonna be my next stencil arnold
JON TlTOR (10:52:24 PM): kevin hell yea arnold
JON TlTOR (10:54:47 PM): kevin the wonders epidodes on youtube were removed for copywrite infringment im pissed arnold
Splitforthecity (10:56:15 PM): kevin fucking bullshit arnold
JON TlTOR (10:56:32 PM): kevin this speech is as good as the gettysburg adress arnold
Splitforthecity (10:57:10 PM): kevin this episode makes me cry arnold
Splitforthecity (10:57:17 PM): kevin i'm a woman arnold
JON TlTOR (10:58:24 PM): kevin if this makes you a woman i dont wanna be a man arnold
Splitforthecity (10:59:23 PM): kevin i'm gonna make a decal for my bike naming it the kevin arnold arnold
Splitforthecity (10:59:39 PM): kevin aka the fuck winnie cooper arnold
JON TlTOR (11:00:49 PM): kevin i support this arnold
JON TlTOR (11:01:08 PM): kevin im going to paint a portrait of kevin arnold using the blood of the girl that looks like winnie cooper arnold
Splitforthecity (11:01:35 PM): kevin if i was in the military i would name a battleship the s.s. winnie cooper must die arnold
JON TlTOR (11:01:58 PM): kevin i would break a champagne bottle off that arnold
JON TlTOR (11:02:12 PM): kevin even though i hate her i would still make sweet love to her arnold
Splitforthecity (11:02:58 PM): kevin i should get a tattoo that is a heart with a banner and have the banner say winnie cooper croke my heart arnold
Splitforthecity (11:03:08 PM): kevin broke arnold
Splitforthecity (11:03:19 PM): kevin not croke arnold
JON TlTOR (11:05:25 PM): kevin hahaha arnold
JON TlTOR (11:06:37 PM): kevin do you like rickenbackers arnold
Splitforthecity (11:06:49 PM): kevin yeah they are pretty sweet arnold
JON TlTOR (11:07:04 PM): kevin yea id like to own one some day arnold
JON TlTOR (11:07:21 PM): kevin wheres a good site with lots of options for groip tape arnold
Splitforthecity (11:07:56 PM): kevin i bought mine from arnold
JON TlTOR (11:09:39 PM): kevin what are they like arnold
JON TlTOR (11:09:45 PM): kevin are they any good arnold
Splitforthecity (11:10:33 PM): kevin i bought the cielli cork ones i like them alot arnold
JON TlTOR (11:10:55 PM): kevin gimme a lionk arnold
JON TlTOR (11:11:01 PM): kevin link arnold
Splitforthecity (11:11:46 PM): kevin arnold
Splitforthecity (11:12:23 PM): kevin i hate micheal moore more than i hate myself arnold
JON TlTOR (11:12:46 PM): kevin hes a douchebag alright arnold
JON TlTOR (11:12:54 PM): kevin but i hate you more than him also arnold
Splitforthecity (11:13:23 PM): kevin i want to punch him until he doesnt exist anymore arnold
JON TlTOR (11:13:35 PM): kevin thats intense and scares me arnold
Splitforthecity (11:13:51 PM): kevin i bet the nsa agents assigned to us are confused as shit right now arnold
JON TlTOR (11:14:27 PM): kevin i bet they...yea i bet so too arnold
JON TlTOR (11:14:37 PM): kevin i couldnt think of anything funny arnold
JON TlTOR (11:14:58 PM): kevin what about these arnold
JON TlTOR (11:15:13 PM): kevin what about these arnold
Splitforthecity (11:16:34 PM): kevin do they match your bike arnold
JON TlTOR (11:16:45 PM): kevin i dont know arnold
JON TlTOR (11:16:52 PM): kevin what do you mean arnold
Splitforthecity (11:17:04 PM): kevin color wise arnold
Splitforthecity (11:17:20 PM): what color nigga arnold
JON TlTOR (11:17:24 PM): kevin i think so, whits white right arnold
Splitforthecity (11:17:50 PM): kevin oh fuck i didnt start the sentence with kevin arnold
Splitforthecity (11:18:10 PM): kevin what poor grammer arnold
JON TlTOR (11:18:25 PM): kevin you must have gone to public school arnold
JON TlTOR (11:18:59 PM): kevin what mnakes it cork ribbon arnold
Splitforthecity (11:19:19 PM): kevin it's made of cork arnold
JON TlTOR (11:19:34 PM): kevin i wonder what mine are now arnold
Splitforthecity (11:19:58 PM): kevin they feel like cork arnold
JON TlTOR (11:20:26 PM): kevin mine feel like suede or some shitarnold
Splitforthecity (11:20:38 PM): kevin the feel like mine arnold
JON TlTOR (11:21:10 PM): kevin i must have cork then huh arnold
Splitforthecity (11:23:10 PM): kevin i was just talking to my mother and i had to stop myself from saying kevin arnold
JON TlTOR (11:23:47 PM): kevin hahahah arnonld
Splitforthecity (11:24:50 PM): kevin you gotta find cow print bar tape arnold
Splitforthecity (11:26:07 PM): kevin my thinstache is starting to suck cause my mustache grows like real facil hair and i have stubble above my thinstache arnold
JON TlTOR (11:26:26 PM): brb
Splitforthecity (11:35:32 PM): kevin you mean kevin brb arnold arnold
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