(no subject)

Apr 03, 2005 07:53

la zomba

La Zomba, I'll give you a mainover view...

well theres this nice normal small quite town. This girl who lives in the town (Amanda) is the most beautiful awesome amazing sweet nice girl ever... well this one guy is highly obsessed he stalks her and takes pictures of her and is bassicully inlove with her(Brian). well these 2 highschool pranksters(steve and zeb) go to a gravyyard and dig up a corpse little do they know a gravedigger is watching them dig up his dead wife's corpse so he casts a spell on the graveyard so the bodies come to live and haunt the town. well the "head" zombie falls inlove with the girl and her stalker has to save her in the process of saving her he gets turned into a zombie and kills his love in an act of jeliousy.

Locations- backyards, basements (we can fake a graveyard), mabye a barn.

Cast-Brian buckmaster=stalker, Amanda dycus=girl, pranksters (who actully have a big part)=zeb bunch and steve vavro, gravedigger= Nick emming,as many people as we can find for extras/zombies, more to be announced

Deeper discriptions-The auidence will get to follow the main characters around during the characters everyday life EXAMPLE- (we will watch brian's character follow amanda around then when its amanda's characters turn we will see brian out of the corner of the lens following her.) We will also follow the pranksters around when they get the idea for there devils night prank and we will also see the gravedigger in his cabon looking at a picture of his decised wife and right outside the window we will see the boys jumping the cemitary gates. Also we will follow other small part characters around the cast I listed above are just main characters.
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