Jun 15, 2005 17:42

wow... first off, may i just say that party got out of FUCKING control....
second.. to all of you who invited ppl / let ppl in through the front door / stiffed my bouncers (breck and i are each out over 150 dollars now... deusch bags...) / found another way into the house even tho u were not explicitly invited by me.... thanx... cuz u all are the reason i had to kick everyone out at 10:45!!!! ...bitches...
next, if anyone left anything at my house at all, call 927-7127 and tell me about it so i can get it back to u as soon as possible.
also, thanx to u who stayed and helped clean up, biiig help.
now for the news.
mom flipped out (surprise surprise) not cuz of the sheer volume of illegal sustances being dispensed to minors, oh no, but because when we were cleaning up, we opened te wrong bottle of windex.... thats right... 2 kegs was chill, but we use the wrong windex and BOOOM she explodes...
so that went on for a wile, long story short i got sick of the verbal abuse after like, 5 hours of it, so i packed up and left. im no cell phone-less, cash-less, and living at my dads in corte madera. fun times huh?
sooo if u want to call me for any reason, call 927-7127 until i say otherwise, cuz if u call my cell ull get a message saying "this number has been disconnected". yea, thank u mother.
ANYWAYS... hope you all had a good time. hope there was enough booooze, hope everyone got home alright (i made some calls but didnt have everyones number, so yea)
hasta bitches!
o, and a big thanx to jarred A-M and anthony L./Jen S. You guys are the only reason that party actually ended up happening.


o and sry i havent resonded to all the comments on the entries b4 this one, but honestly, coming up with a song for everyone is pretty fucking hard, and i frankly have too much ADD for that shit... later!
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