Post #1 about my recent trip to Portugal - the light (headed) one

Sep 19, 2004 02:59

Fact: I have very low blood pressure.

Now when I say that, I'm not bragging. My blood pressure is so low that I used to almost pass out if I would suddenly go from being still to doing some kind of strenuous activity.

Example: I used to sit in my room and then suddenly get the urge to jump and dance around to one of my favourite bands. That would often be accompanied by dizziness, cold sweat, and an incredible desire to eat ice cream. I would usually drag myself down to the kitchen, get an ice cream out of the freezer, and proceed to eat it while laying on the floor before I passed out. This tended to work.

News: I had to take blood as a part of a check-up that I had to do while I was in Portugal.

Related facts: The test was the morning after my 14 or so flying hours day and I was not allowed to eat before doing the blood test.

Result: Soon after the nurse had left me, once she had removed some blood from my veins, I passed out. I went into dream land. The whole incident was quite embarrassing. She then took me to a cold room and made me drink sugar water. Ironically enough, she had just asked me if I ever had any problems when getting blood removed in the past, before sticking me with the needle. I said I had not since prior to this incident, I had not!


That was one of the best things from my trip.

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