I've been meaning to write about this for a few weeks now, but I've been a busy, busy boy. This entry will deal with what many of you might feel is sensitive material so all of the important bits will be behind the cut. I feel I should warn you that this post will be criticising what many consider to be 3 of the largest religions in the world. If you don't want read words that defame a religion that you feel highly attached to I strongly suggest just passing this one by. But if you can stomach reading words that very few other have the courage to speak then you can proceed.
The God that most of you believe in is an asshole... actually he's a really mean, ignorant, arrogant asshole. According to you, this "God" says that the way to get to be happy is to deny yourself what comes naturally, go against nature, and generally live a miserable life repenting the fact that you are not as perfect as he is. But you know that don't you? You know it and still go along. That wouldn't be such a problem if you kept this shameful mental illness to yourselves, but it seems like you are desperate to infect the rest of us... but I'm getting ahead of myself. I should tell you what you don't know, or at least what isn't told to you.
Christianity, Islam & Judaism and all of the ridiculous subdivisions under those banners are all the same fucking religion. There is no discernible difference to the brains of those that have not been washed. Those same people that seem so determined to kill each other off for religious reasons all worship the same horrible God. They just want to kill each other over a popularity contest: "This guy is the son of the asshole God", "No he's just a messenger and there has been a much better messenger since", "No none of you are right... the asshole God has yet to send us his progeny or a messenger". Oh shut up the lot of you. You all worship the exact same fictional evil character you are just debating which idiot conned you better into believing in the asshole God. Can't you see it was all just a children's story gone horribly wrong?
What follows are my views as a layman. I have not studied the bible to any significant extent. What I know, I know from personal observations and thoughts, so please don't hold me hard to the facts.
This is the pillar of the three branches of COTAG and it is essentially the whole damn store for the original incarnation of the COTAG: Judaism. This book is a moral lesson for idiots. Don't do this, don't do that, this is what happens if you do this or that... why? Because the asshole God, who treats you like a plaything, and allegedly put you here said so, and you better listen to him otherwise after you die you'll be as miserable as you were when you were alive... and this time it'll be forever. But that is not how it started...
There is truth in the bible. Truth like the floods. Yes the Tigris & Euphrates flooded annually and in all likelihood there would be years in which the floods became so bad that entire villages would be swept away. Climate changes over the last 5000 years don't allow us to see the exact effect that the flooding of those rivers had on the people of that time, but there is no doubt that it was a monumental part of their lives. Now was there some guy with a huge boat trolling down the river for two of each animal to save them from the floods, so that they as a species could exist once the water had subsided? Umm... NO! How stupid do you have to be to believe that? Take a pair of any animal that reproduces sexually and see what happens if you try to reintroduce them to the environment... can you say extinction? Can you say cataclysmic genetic mutations? Can you say week and inbred gene pool? So no, Noah was obviously a story meant for children to ease there minds about seeing a bunch of dead animals floating down the river...
child: "Mommy all the cows are floating down the river... they don't look so good"
mom: "Yes sweetie, they've gone off to cow heaven, they are not with us any more"
child: stressed "but Mommy then there will be no more cows?"
mom: comforting "No don't you worry you pretty little head off... there is a nice man who has this big beautiful boat and takes two of each animal with him to dry land so that they can be safe"
The irony being that just that little conversation that maybe took place over 3000 years ago is more talk about sexual reproduction than modern day victims of the COTAG get from their parents... I wonder what they would say if the child would ask "why 2 of each?" or "what do the animals do?" If you've read this far and can't see how the story of Noah was a fabrication for children then you are lost cause and you really should tell me so I can unfriend you... but let's assume that everyone reading this gets that and move on.
How & why did people actually invent the asshole God? I think that you can look at the modern day actions of COTAGers towards their children to have a good understanding of how they got us into this mess in the first place. A large part of our society is based on the attitude of treating people younger than you are as imbeciles. I don't even want to say children, because it goes beyond that. The sickness is so far reaching that we not only treat real children like idiots but people past puberty too. Up until 50 or so years ago it was generally accepted that puberty was the line between adulthood and childhood. Recently that line has been artificially pushed back 4-7 years past puberty and the repercussions on society have been severe... but that is another story that is only indirectly associated with the COTAG.
It is my belief that the crux of the old testament is a story to get children to shut up and quit asking so many questions. It was an effective tool that was probably developed by several people and constantly refined and further exaggerated until it was finally committed to paper. Why are we here? What happen to (insert dead family member's name here)? How does this exist? What is our purpose being here? All easily answer by the stupid ridiculous story. A story that was embellished with snakes and shiny trinkets to make it even more appealing to young minds. But why was this done? These weren't stupid questions. These were good questions that showed some depth of thought. Why not try to help your children develop their minds by truly thinking about these concepts? There is no harm in telling a child "I don't know". In fact if we are evolving in the way we are supposed to there should be questions that the older generation can't answer that the younger might be able to. But instead they chose to force feed stupidity and the you don't have to think about those kind of things attitude. That was the real lesson; don't think.
It was a lesson that was taught well, because the children of the original COTAGers did the same thing to their children. I guess if you've been taught not to think your whole life it becomes to easy to just pass down the same tried and tested dogma when it comes to be your chance to educate your children. It is over protectiveness gone insane. The desperation to protect our children even from there own thoughts. The attitude is that they can't suffer for even a second, and having doubts about their lives would be akin to suffering. Well I'll let you in on secret: People need to suffer. Without suffering there is no joy because you would be incapable of perceiving joy without experiencing some sort of suffering. Children need to suffer. Children need to feel troubled and confused. Children need to have challenges in their lives. The only way that they can grow and become better people than you are is if you don't always protect them. Don't tell them stories. Don't give them the run around. If someone dies and they ask tell them what happened. No one is too young for much of anything. Yes they might be shocked and stressed for a while but their minds can cope. They are NOT more stupid than you are; just less experienced, and your refusal to let them experience is what is making them stupid.
That was how it all started. A little group of idiots in modern day Iraq (oh the irony) so worried and afraid to expose their children to reality that they created a whole dogmatic religion to suppress free thought. A religion devoted to stop children from asking question... devoted to stifling any sort of dissension... but some 3000 years ago it was but a cult. It was Judaism at it's purest, but even a system of oppression has an evolution to it. Someone had to keep the convoluted story straight. Someone had make sure that everybody got the story the same so that it was more believable. There is where we get the clergy class; a form of government. Reading and writing were still relatively new concepts and not exactly for everyone, so a class of clergy was developed to keep things straight. They were awarded with the alleged ability to communicate with the asshole God and disseminate his fictional orders to the masses. Quite a good deal of power I would say, and where there is a disproportional amount of power you can bet there will be an abuse of power. With a good amount of people under them the clergy began to expand the word of the fictional asshole God in order to create rules to live by. One would assume this was basically to make the job of government easier and that not all had evil intentions, but a few obviously did.
Explain me how mutilating the genitals of your child is a good thing? It's not. I'm fairly certain that that particular aberration came up so the clergy class could identify who was under their charge. It was also a good way to show loyalty. Notice the sexist patriarchy from it's inception? Male genitals were mutilated to mark the followers because females were not as important. Under the COTAG not only were the children considered stupid, but females were considered disposable. Slowly a code of conduct was being established and almost anything could be justified because the entire basis of the religion became: God is an asshole who will make you suffer throughout your real life as a test to see if you are worthy to be with his holy assholeness once you are dead! With that sort of platform you could get any horrible thing into the religion. Shame of your own body: OKAY! Masturbation is bad: SURE! Thinking for yourself is dangerous: WHY NOT! So on and so forth.
But these asshole God worshippers were but a cult 3000-4000 years ago. They were laughed at and abused by the more prominent societal models. All of which were not without faults either, but at the time the followers of the COTAG were a small number of lunatics that denied themselves the few good things that life has to offer. Unfortunately that would change. Two charismatic delusional sociopaths would emerge on the scene to prey on the insecurities of most of the rest of known society. Soon the COTAG would not be limited to the Jews... it was about to get all that much more righteous...
Believe what you want to believe but for the most part these guys are the worst of the worst within the COTAG. They are for the most part fundamentally obsessed with interfering in the lives of others. They have an innate desire to convince others that they are evil if they are not worshipping the fictional asshole God. Anything that seemingly goes against the ever-changing wishes of their evil fictional overlord is offensive and must be purged from the planet no matter how little it effects them. Not all Christians are like that, but a good deal are and it all has to do with how this twisted little offshoot of Judaism started.
Jesus Christ was a bastard, literally. His mother either had an affair or was raped. By the time she was pregnant with him women within the COTAG were put to death for having a baby out of wedlock... so what to do when you are pregnant, still haven't had sex with your husband and have the grim spectre of death hanging over your head for telling the truth? Most rational people would run away. Run as far as you can from people that would kill you for something as insignificant as having sex out of wedlock. Run as far away as you can from people so close-minded that they would put a victim of rape to death. Mary was obviously not the smartest member of the COTAG. Apparently she thought claiming her bastard child was the son of the asshole himself would be a better course of action. She's just lucky that it wasn't a girl... the asshole God would have never fathered something as repugnant as a female... Mary would have surely been executed for her lie had that been the case.
Where the story takes a turn to the wacky is what happened to Mary's bastard child as he grew up. He was completely delusional. Apparently Mary's husband Josef was stupid enough to actually believe his wife's desperate attempt to save her own butt and raised the bastard child accordingly. If only DNA testing was available at the time the world would have been spared what was to come next. Mary's son Jesus became a delusional sociopath (which could add more credence to the rape theory). He spent his life going around interpreting the book of the COTAG to suit his own delusional mind. He was charismatic and galvanising. Intelligent people were able to see through him, the stupid marvelled at his ridiculous story, but enough people listened to cause a stir. Why were people so enamoured by his story? Did they honestly believe that he was the asshole God's son? And what of those who were not part of the COTAG, how many of them converted. The one thing I do know is that it was a hard sell and that most of the selling was not done by the delusional sociopath but his followers, proclaiming his holiness after his death. Those are the originators of Catholicism. Not Jesus... you could say he was just a lucky bastard.
The Romans fell from within. The empire and the last bastion of personal freedom fell to the worst arm of the COTAG some 300 years after the death of its alleged inceptor. Christians don't worship Jesus... they worship an embellished story created by power hungry clergy that wanted to get more and more people under their control. It was all about capturing Rome; capturing the power away from what they felt were evil and immoral people who did not follow the COTAG. The sinners had to be stopped. They were fornicating and actually enjoying their lives and the asshole God forbade that. It was paramount that the evil Romans be stopped. It took 300 years of hard selling, but they got what they wanted... personal freedom would be banished from Europe and soon to be the rest of the world because the asshole God wished it that way.
These power mad freaks still control much of the world. They would later go on to try to do the same in the Americas (New World) and when they were unsuccessful in selling their culture of shame, repentance, and repression they would simply kill those who did not subscribe to the COTAG. Millions upon millions of deaths at the hands of these nuts, because repressing themselves wasn't enough. A war was declared on anyone who wanted to enjoy everything that this short life has to offer. The basis of Christianity has a lot to do with the problems we have today. The culture of shame and disgust with oneself (not being worthy of the asshole God) has allowed more real evil doers to prey on the victims of the COTAG. Just look at all the plastic surgery, diets and other little body alterations that we must do to look pretty. Our lives are not our own. Our bodies belong to the asshole God and they are shameful in his ever scornful eyes. Those who do not subscribe to this insanity are marginalized because our so called secular laws keep them in line and what's not covered by law can be controlled by peer pressure.
I believe it is the veracity of the Christian wing of the COTAG that is most responsible for all that is wrong in the world. They seem to have an insatiable appetite to interfere in other people's lives. They can never just leave people alone and let them do what they feel is best for themselves. Invasion upon invasion of do-gooders bearing guns & bibles have been seen around the world. No inhabitable continent has been left untouched by them. Their way of life is the only acceptable one and all others are an affront to their asshole God. A God that is such an incredible, micromanaging asshole that within the very wing of Christianity there exists countless variations. If the world would go the way of these bastards they would start off by eliminating all non Christians through conversion or death and then turn on themselves because of the little idiosyncrasies of what the evil, fictional, asshole God allegedly wants them to do. They should be stopped, but who in the world is actually offering up any sort of resistance?
The biggest resistance to the evil that the Christians do world-wide are arguably just as evil. They are notoriously more oppressive & repressive to their own people than the Christians, but have a tendency to keep more to themselves and not impose their will on others. It's really quite a toss-up as to which is worse since the Christians are only slightly less oppressive and the Muslims are only slightly more tolerant. And what is the big difference between these two factions of the COTAG that is so under dispute that wars must be raged at an alarming rate? One group thinks that Jesus is the son of the asshole God, while the other believes that although Jesus was in good with the fictional God his true prophet was a guy named Muhammad. Okay, so? It's the same fucking piece of shit fictional asshole God that is supposedly ordering you around, right? He still wants you to deny your instincts and go against all that is natural in this world to prove that you are worthy of being in his presence, no? So why bother with the huge dispute? Maybe because this asshole God of yours doesn't really exist and this has become all about power and oppression? Sounds like it could be a possibility.
What's even more mind boggling is the feud between Islam & Judaism. They are even closer to each other than Christianity & Judaism. The story goes as such... Jesus Christ spent most of his delusional life going around trying to convince other Jews that he was the son of the asshole God because his parents said so. For the most part the Jews were having nothing of it. Frankly, I believe, most of them saw this for what it was. Jesus was successful in creating a little sect of followers though. Those were the ones that later used his ludicrous story to topple the Roman & Greek societies. They divided there efforts into two (hence why there still exists Roman orthodox & Greek orthodox). The Roman Christians were far more successful because by 300AD the Roman Empire was huge while the Greek Empire was a shadow of itself, but 99% of the converted were not the Jews that Jesus had proclaimed to be the king of. Those people were still Jews.
Sometime later on Judaism would suffer another schism. This time at the hands of a prophet named Mohammed. Although he was not the alleged son of the asshole God like Jesus had declared himself, he was still seen as a galvanising force within the COTAG. Much like with the Christians most of the conversions also came from outside of the base of the COTAG, Judaism. Islam worked to unite and oppress various cultures that spanned to the east of the power base of the ex Roman Empire. These were mostly comprised of Arab peoples. Much like the conquered Vandals, Saxons & Celtics that the Romans had defeated, many Arab nations were nomadic, violent and without a moral centre. Islam did change all of that, but along with the order came the oppression and repression that is so characteristic of the COTAG. It was the same sort of heavy handed culture of ignorance being spoon fed to the hoarding masses that was so successful at ripping through the Roman Empire. The only difference was the charismatic character to be worshipped as the messenger. Instead of the delusional schizophrenic alleged son of the asshole God you had a benign attention seeking schizophrenic in his place. Through all of that the message persisted: You must deny yourself all happiness and pleasure in this life so that after you are dead (and have NO life) you can be with the asshole God. If you don't follow all the orders in the book you will suffer forever. The message is exactly the same. It's just a question of style.
What of the originators of this evil, the Jews? Their numbers continue to be smaller than both the offshoots of their religion. Maybe it is because they never accepted any of these jokers to be their charismatic leader. Perhaps they are too skeptical to fall for that, but yet they still fall for the culture of repression. Why are the Muslims so offended by the Jews? Is it simply because they didn't think Mohammed was actually pals with the fictional asshole God? I think it might have more to do with having a bunch of their kin punted out of land they already considered holy just to give the Jews a little more space.
And what of the relationship between the Jews and the Christians? Truth be told, historically the feud between those two sects is far greater than between the Muslims and the Jews, after all the Jews only rejected the asshole God's pal Mohammed to the Muslims, but, according to the Christians, the Jews rejected his actual son! Not only that, but they were generally uncaring about his death! I believe that the war between the Jews and Christians has already happened in WW2 and the Jews were systematically defeated. Enough so, that the Christians took pity on them and had no more need to feud with a faction whose numbers are insignificant compared to their own. But you better believe that this current allegiance between the two factions of the COTAG would come crashing down if the Christians ever perceived any sort of threat imaginable from them, and we all know how trigger-happy Christians are!
I wish the lot of you who identify as members of one of the divisions of the COTAG would all wake up and realise that you should not be denying yourselves the pleasures of life, being ashamed of your body, not spending every possible moment in the pursuit of pleasure, or going against what is instinctual, but also to realise that the God you are worshipping is exactly the same as the other two divisions of the COTAG. You have the same stupid, crappy rules for no logical reason. There is no God and the years that you've spent trying to please this evil fictional character are a waste of life. Live YOUR life to the fullest, never compromising your own morals and personal wishes to satisfy anything. Your body is the product of genetics and evolution not the plaything of some monster in the sky. You are the same as every other living thing here... we all came from the same single celled organism and just evolved in different ways. Every living thing on this planet is your equal and you must respect that too. Please stop trying to satisfy a fictional character originally created to shut children up. It's okay not to know why you are here. It's just fine to not understand how we came to be. Instead of accepting some story you should think about these things yourself and enjoy the fact that you have your own brain that is not subject to any rules other than the ones you impose on yourself.
That is LOVE, not some fictional character.